★ Experts estimate that between 4,000 and 6,000 people will be hospitalized due to childhood flu this season.

As children return to school, cases of influenza, a disease that affects 10 to 20% of the population in a typical year, are on the rise.3causes between 3 and 5 million serious cases and about 650,000 deaths worldwide.4. According to Dr. Ivan Sanz, head of scientific and virological surveillance of the National Influenza Center of Valladolid: “It is estimated that between 4,000 and 6,000 children will have to be hospitalized due to flu this season in Spain.».

In this context, AstraZeneca has launched the Flu School campaign, an initiative that aims to raise awareness of the effects of influenza and communicate preventative measures to try to avoid the spread of the disease to young children and their families.

The incidence of influenza is higher in children than in adults5 and children are at high risk for complications associated with influenza.6. In fact, two out of three children hospitalized with the flu have no risk factors.7. “Flu is a disease that is often underestimated.“explains Dr. Ivan Sanz, However, be aware that this can have serious consequences, especially in children and the elderly.

For this reason the campaignFlu school“, which is part of the ABCD Flu initiative, recalls the importance of knowledge of influenza and its prevention measures, especially in the pediatric population. Through videoLittle ones are showing that they can not only understand the key to flu, but also explain how to prevent the disease and protect the most vulnerable.

“At AstraZeneca, we recognize the burden that flu places on families and the healthcare system, and we firmly believe that when it comes to flu, education is prevention. For this reason, as part of our commitment to the health of people, especially the youngest and most vulnerable, we work on information campaigns that help communicate the consequences of this disease and measures to prevent it. explains Pilar Pasaron, Head of Institutional Relations at AstraZeneca Spain.

As experts explain, during influenza outbreaks, the youngest children are usually the first to get sick, and the highest incidence rates of influenza are observed in the group of children from 0 to 4 years old, followed by children under 15 years old.1. In addition, children are considered a fundamental factor in the chain of transmission of influenza.8 because they destroy a large number of viruses over a longer period of time5.

For this reason, during the campaign presentation, experts emphasized the importance of protecting babies from influenza. In Spain, influenza is estimated to cause approximately 1000 cases of hospitalization with severe complications and about 10 deaths1 Those of us who work with influenza are well aware of its consequences, but there is still much work to be done because the public has no real understanding of the seriousness of this disease.“explains Dr. Fernando Sánchez Perales, Medical Director of the Vitas Madrid La Milagrosa University Hospital and President of the Pediatric Society of Madrid and Castilla la Mancha.

Prevention measures against influenza

In this context, experts emphasize the importance of influenza prevention measures. Simple gestures such as adequate hygiene, hand washing and, in some cases, maintaining interpersonal distance are added to compliance with the vaccination schedule.1may help prevent infection.

In addition, the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (CAV AEP) recommends that health authorities consider the vaccination of children and adolescents aged 6 months to 18 years to be systematic, especially for children aged 6 to 59 months.9. Especially in this group, experts recommend that available measures be taken by public health authorities, medical professionals and scientific societies to achieve the main goal of increasing coverage in this group9.

We welcome anything we can do to prevent the flu. Of course, getting vaccinated, washing your hands, and self-isolating if you have flu symptoms are effective measures and we should implement them. We must realize that a child just because he is healthy is not immune from complications caused by the flu.“, concludes Dr. Ivan Sanz.


1. Recommendations for vaccination against childhood influenza. Available at: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/areas/promocionPrevencion/vacunaciones.

2.WHO. https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/influenza-(seasonal)

3. Diez Rodriguez, M. et al (2006) “Flu”, SEMERGEN – Family Medicine, 32 (8), pp. 382–389. doi:10.1016/s1138-3593(06)73299-3.

4. Joint statement: Epidemics are starting early in Europe as concerns about RSV grow and Covid-19 remains a threat. https://www.who.int

5. Institute of Health Carlos III. Influenza surveillance system in Spain. National Epidemiological Surveillance Network. Report on influenza surveillance in Spain. Season 2019-2020.pdf (Internet). (accessed November 11, 2020). https://www.isciii.es

6.Ministry of Health. Recommendations https://www.sanidad.gob.es (saludcastillayleon.es)

7. Prevention of childhood respiratory infections in the 2023/24 season: a new scenario. https://sepeap.org/prevencion-de-las-infecciones-respiratorias-pediatricas/

8. Aristegui Fernandez J. Gripe in Pediatrics. Pediatr Integral 2015; XIX (10): 694-701.

9. Flu Vaccination Recommendations

https://vacunasaep.org/documentos/recomendaciones-de-vacunacion-frente-la-gripe-2024-25 Accessed September 24.

Fountain: Edelman

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