1.4 sur 5: this is the entire premiere of Angelina Jolie’s film, and this is what happened when she left – Actus Ciné
Do you know the sci-fi movie Cyborg 2, released in 1993? The franchise is obligatory, and this is an exciting new brand that will debut on the screen of Angelina Jolie!
The names of stars who are professional debutants who can cast incredible films, such as Leonardo DiCaprio confronting aliens or Jennifer Aniston insulting the Irish. Premieres for men are mediocre, with memories, freedom of entertainment.
Angelina Jolie is one of the Hollywood starlets who started her career with a film comparable in quality to the franchise. After a small role in Hal Ashby’s Finding Our Way Out, the young American also played the title role in the dark Cyborg 2 in 1993. This is a science fiction film that is also part of the Cyborg suite, but with the participation of Jean-Claude Van Damme. completely updated casting.
Cyborg 2 Plonge le spectateur dans le futur, 2074. Role d’Angelina Jolie, âgée de seulement 17 et lorsqu’elle tourne le film ? Selui de Casella “Cash” Reese, a female robot designed to infiltrate rival companies, turns into a bomb with her charm and bathroom. More Cash begins in the depths of feelings and being the military’s favorite martial arts specialist….
“When I saw the movie, I vomi”
Concerning Angelina Jolie port-el-sur-ce Cyborg 2 right on the march video and what didn’t happen with the fatal coup in the career? On the other hand, he will say that he is not a particular fan of the film, in which you can find the bande-announce-ci-desus.
“When I saw the film, I saw it. I saw nausea”announced as a comedic actress in 2014. Buzzfeed microsite. “I’m 17 years old, I’m returning to a wonderful film, but it’s still a strange film, a car and I’m waiting for the scene in which my character is beheaded and says… Quand j’ai vu Cyborg 2“When I get nasty clothes, it’s more like a movie that gives me the right to a kickboxing fair, and it’s, it’s fun.” C’est au moins ça de gagné!
Angelina Jolie appeared on the poster of the Marvel blockbuster “Eternals”: