“15 moves on the terrace… robbery”

Spain is a country of bars. And these establishments are a meeting place for thousands of people in our country when they have to celebrate a birthday or a promotion at work, eat with family or just have a beer with friends. Although these spaces are almost a “temple” for those who want to enjoy and have a good time, sometimes they can also become a place where you never return.

Abuse in bars and restaurants is not the norm, but it does happen. Popular X (formerly Twitter) account SoyCamarero has caused a new scandal online by sharing Some customers’ experiences drinking on a bar terrace in Barcelona: “It’s too much”.

“Yesterday in Barcelona, ​​in the bar we always go to, in Gracia. They never charged us exorbitant fees for the terrace.“I’m telling you, it’s a beer and tapas bar, and yes, we’re on the terrace,” the customer began to say. And she added, “What surprises me is that most of the time we come for beer and tapas.” , and they also charged us about 15 trips around the terrace.”

So this bar, located in the Gracia district He charged customers 50 cents each time the waiters came out onto the terrace.increasing the final bill by 7.50 euros for “moving around the terrace”. “The truth is that it seems very much like a robbery to me,” the customer criticized.

Unsurprisingly, this situation forced the platform users’ indignation did not take long to appear: “I personally find what’s happening to bars shameful”, “I’m amazed by these postmodern concepts of saving a few euros on the final ticket”, “I don’t think charging for the ride is very ethical” or “I don’t think it’s legal. I’ve been in hospitality for 35 years and I’ve never seen this in my life” are some of the many criticisms this establishment has received.

But, Can a bar or restaurant charge extra for a terrace? Establishments have the freedom to “set the conditions under which they will provide services,” provided that they do not violate fundamental rights and are not prohibited by any regulations, explains the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU). In this sense, they can charge extra for food on the terrace, however It will be necessary to warn in advance, indicating this on the menu or at the bar itself, specifying how much it will cost..

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