15 warning signs of early onset dementia, study finds

Elderly woman with dementia (Shutterstock)
Elderly woman with dementia (Shutterstock)

One of the things we should care about the most is mental health. A trait that is increasingly important to maintain in optimal condition through networking, abusive comments, or deterioration due to lack of self-care. Due to several factors in our society, it is increasingly common for many actions to be taken before the time they really should be. This is the case dementiawhich has an alarming volume presence in young people for this pathology.

However, research and studies have advanced so far that they now allow us be careful and be attentive possible warnings warning of the possibility of dementia praecox. Our body is more complex than we think and more intelligent than we think. Through various mechanisms, the human body is able to send signs that something is going wrong before the result comes. Just like when you’re close to a heart attack or illness, you may also be at risk of developing early-onset dementia, according to a UK study.

English language learning carried out with more than Sample: 350,000 people under 65 years of age.revealed his latest findings on the subject and the factors that should alert us to this disease. “Early onset dementia has very serious consequences, as affected people usually still have jobs, children and busy lives,” explains neuroscientist Stevie Hendricks from Maastricht University in a statement published in the journal Science Alert.

So they published a conclusion which is divided into 15 points that expand opportunities premature than usual to suffer from this mental pathology:

1. Low socio-economic level

First of all, it has been established that those people who worst status in society They are more likely to develop early-onset dementia. Lower social and economic potential means fewer opportunities, more effort and a lower quality of life.

2. Social isolation

Another reason has to do with the lack of contact with the rest of society. This fact can cause people to lose their minds due to lack of relationships and being locked in their homes with limited lives.

Warning signs include social isolation. (Freepik)
Warning signs include social isolation. (Freepik)

3. Hearing impairment

In this case, it is data-driven because twice as many people with these problems have dementia compared to those who don’t, according to the Alzheimer’s Society.

4. Strokes

These small strokes do not contribute to either motor development or mental illness, so they are another risk factor for dementia.

5. Diabetes

People suffering from sugar should also be especially careful as it causes damage to blood vessels and hence it is associated with dementia.

6. Heart disease

These diseases cause capillary damage brain and other organs, which creates a risk of developing vascular dementia.

7. Depression

Depression is another element to keep an eye on as affects mood much in behavior and the further development of the brain and its connections.

There is a strong link between housing and mental health: research shows that 40% of the population suffers from anxiety and 23% from depression.

8. Loneliness

9. Chronic stress

Stress is always a bad ally because its consequences for the body are not good at all. Abstaining from it will always be the best option for health and well-being.

10. Alcohol

He overconsumption Experts say drinking alcohol is associated with an increased risk.

Excess alcohol is dangerous. (Illustrative image)
Excess alcohol is dangerous. (Illustrative image)

11. Vitamin D deficiency.

Nutrient, vitamin or food deficiencies are never a good sign. Thus, lack of vitamin D is also a risk that increases the likelihood of early development of this disease.

12. ApoE4 ε4 gene variants.

13. Protein C

High levels of this protein are also a bad sign as it increases risks and is generated as liver reaction to inflammation for some other types of behavior.

14. Higher levels of formal equation

15. Physical fragility

Those who are more physically weak will be at greater risk than others.

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