20 games worth spending over 100 hours playing

We are very clear that we cannot judge the quality of a video game by how many hours it lasts. We know that, but we also know that finding a quality game is a lot of fun. where you can spend hours and hours exploringfighting, leveling up or playing cards. Because sometimes that’s exactly what we need: pure escape into exciting game loops or a magical open world.

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If you’re looking for a video game like this that will last longer than a summer without video game podcasts to listen to, welcome. Today we present you our top 20 best games in 100 hours. And, fortunately, they are long and also very good.

So come on in, enjoy the video, and then leave a comment. We not only want to know which of all those we have collected on our list your favoriteand also which one you think should be, and we didn’t put it there. We have already told you that there are noticeable shortcomings, could you tell us which ones?

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