4 Types of Infections That Can Cause Cancer and You Should Pay Attention to Them

New study published American Association for Cancer Researchsuggests that four types infections may be responsible for 13% cancers.

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Find out what bacteria and viruses influence the prevalence of development Cancer and which treatments have a protective effect in order to “attack” them in time infectionspreventing some common types of cancersuch as liver, cervical, genital and oral cancer.

That is, the same as scientists they know that type of infection may lead to Cancer, They also know treatment which are effective in the prevention and treatment of these infections: in particular, medicines and vaccines.

The effectiveness of these treatment so relevant that right now “things that used to be some are turning into rare diseases common types of cancer»he explained Michael Pinionprofessor of medicine at Duke School of Medicine and member of the steering committee.

Four infections that can cause cancer


Four types of infections can cause cancer


  • human papillomavirus

ten of 200 types of human papillomavirus may cause cancer of the cervix, genital organs and oral cavity.

Although HPV usually goes away on its own, in 10% of women with HPV on the cervixmay cause a persistent infection that causes cells to multiply rapidly and inhibit the action squirrels which suppress tumors.

Care: many people get human papillomavirus through sexual relations. Although using condoms protects against this. infectionit’s not 100% safe. The most reliable thing is to get vaccinated.

In this sense Pignone indicates that “raise the stakes vaccination This is the most important long-term strategy.”. He also emphasizes that early detection helps treat abnormal cells caused by HPV before they become Cancer.

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Since the 1980s, 78 million people have become infected with HIV and 35 million have died.

Virus hepatitis B and C inflames liver cells and can cause liver cancer. Both infections can be detected using blood test.

chronic inflammation can lead to the accumulation of scar tissue in the liver, known as cirrhosiswhich means an important risk factor for Cancer. Even in some cases hepatitis B may cause cancer directly by affecting healthy liver cells.

It should be noted that long-term exposure infection may damage liver and increase risk liver cancer.

Now the transfer methods hepatitis B and C They can be through contact with bloodHe sperm or certain body fluids. It can also be caused by intravenous drug use and the use of contaminated needles.

Liver surgery puzzle concept: surgeon's hands with surgical instruments (instruments) perform liver surgery as a result of liver disease (cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatitis)

Four types of infections can cause cancer

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It is also possible that the mother carrying hepatitis B can pass the virus to your baby at birth. To prevent this, it is important that pregnant women get tested for the virus.

Care: still no one hepatitis C vaccineTherefore, in order to prevent infectionThe best recommendation is not to share needles.

Regarding hepatitis BYes, there is vaccination and it is very effective. It is recommended for the following people:

  • Children born from 1991.
  • Adults up to 60 years old.
  • Persons with risk factors They should get tested and vaccinated if they have not already done so.

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If you have toenail fungus, you should stop painting your nails as the medicine will not be able to penetrate the nail properly.

bacteria H. pylori It appears in saliva, plaque and feces and is very common in childhood.

Half of the world’s population is a carrier of this disease. bacteriumand most people asymptomaticwhich could aggravate the situation, since between 1% and 3% may develop stomach cancer.

This is because the infection causes chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa, increasing the risk stomach cancer. In addition, bacterial strain and genetics play an important role. bacteria which represent toxic proteins in cells, causing mutations.


Four types of infections can cause cancer


Care: infections H. pylori are being treated with antibiotics which seek to reduce acidity and protect the coating stomach.

It should be noted that infection of these infections in homes can prevent taking the following precautions: do not share dishes, glasses or toothbrushes.

This is also important hand hygiene with soap and water before preparing or eating food, and after using the toilet. At least wash your hands 20 secondshelps eliminate virus.

This information is in no way a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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