467 municipalities where the “invader” is already present

At the gates of summer, tiger mosquito plague keeps the Valencian Community ready. “Invader” is already present in 467 municipalities And Department of Health urged citizens to avoid breeding sites to prevent their spread.

The Generalitat launched information campaign is addressed to the entire population and includes a number of tips and preventive measures, the purpose of which is to avoid possible bites of these insects.

The goal is to educate the general public about the importance of developing effective measures to prevent the spread of the tiger mosquito, as it can transmit certain diseases. illnessesHow dengue, chikungunya or Zika.

As the Director General of the Ministry of Health explained, Ruth Used“The fight against the tiger mosquito is everyone’s business and for everyone. Therefore, it is very important to unite the efforts of all sectors of society and involve institutions, municipal and local authorities, as well as the population in general, to stop the spread.” the spread of these insects.”

“Thanks to this campaign from Healthcare We want to convey some very simple tips that will have a very important impact in the long run because they help eradicate the presence of this mosquito species in our Community,” explained Ruth Uso.

“To avoid possible diseases transmitted by tiger mosquitoes through bites, the most effective measure is eliminate breeding sites“, indicated the general director.

However, he clarified that in urban centers approximately 70% of production is produced in private ownership, so the cooperation of citizens is “essential.”

In this sense, in order to reach the entire population, the Tiger Mosquito Invasion awareness campaign even has a special portal.

Affected municipalities

Of the total number of municipalities that make up the Valencian Community (542), the tiger mosquito is already present in the majority, in 467. Some cities in the north of the province of Alicante have remained aside, for example Biar, Penaguila, Benifallim, Fageca, El Castell de Guadalest, Millena, Benifato and Benillap.

Detection map of the tiger mosquito in the Valencian Community (2023). GVA

As for the province of Valencia, the towns in its northern interior, from Venta del Moro, through Utiel and to Alcubla, have not yet been affected by the existence of the tiger mosquito.

However, Castellón is the most affected province, since the interior of the country is virtually untouched by the plague, that is, from Sacañet in the south to Zorita del Maestrasgo in the north.


In order to achieve suppression of possible sources of reproduction, the campaign emphasizes the importance Avoid or keep dry containers where water may accumulate. inside, even if in small quantities.

It is also advisable to cover mosquito net containers that cannot be emptied; Empty and remove saucers from pans as water accumulates; periodically check gutters and gutters; Empty inflatable pools or keep decorative fountains and pools clean and disinfect them with chlorine.

In addition, to avoid bites, it is recommended to protect yourself during the hours of greatest mosquito activity; Avoid using perfumes as they may attract insects, or use appropriate and approved repellents.

Help for municipalities

The Ministry of Health has provided assistance to municipalities in the Valencian Community to develop plans to combat the spread of the tiger mosquito. In particular, for 2024 they have allocated €350,000 in subsidies.

Tiger mosquito awareness campaign poster. EE

Given the relevance and impact healthcare Regarding the diseases it can transmit, the scope of assistance has been expanded to include control, in particular, against other mosquitoes, midges or ticks.

On the other hand, the environmental health technical staff of the General Directorate of Public Health also cooperates with municipalities by providing advice and participating in information sessions held for the population.

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