5 Best Gaming Tips

The list of useful cheats for Counter-Strike 2 is long and in many cases requires a lot of practice. Good mechanics are an important foundation for success in Counter-Strike. Whether it’s motor skills or using mechanical tricks, those who master these CS2 fundamentals rise through the top ranks faster.

Because talent alone is not enough, according to gob b from the BIG clan. In this video, he explains why hard work is essential to a successful career.

8 minutes

“Hard work beats talent” – gob b on Faces of Gaming

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Run and Gun is not possible in Counter-Strike. If you fire machine guns while moving, you will almost certainly miss your opponents. Only when the character is stationary can he shoot accurately. This is where one of Counter-Strike’s most important gameplay mechanics comes into play: counter-strafe.

At first glance, this term sounds more complicated than it actually is. If you move in CS2 and then release the movement buttons, your character will take a while to stand still. Counter strafing allows you to stop faster, thereby reducing the amount of time your weapon remains inaccurate.

Screenshot of the video game Counter-Strike 2

Counter strafe is one of the most important mechanics in CS2.

© Screenshot Valve

The execution is simple. Press the button opposite the direction of travel to slow down faster. Example: If you are moving to the right, release the D button and briefly press the A button to make the character stop. The same principle applies to both forward and backward movement.

Those who master counter-strafeing will be able to learn many other techniques based on this basic principle. If you want to perform penalty jumps or the notorious Ferrari jumps, you must have mastered these mechanics. Spend some time on a Deathmatch server and practice motorized sequences to train muscle memory.

This simple but effective mechanic allows you to peek or overcome certain obstacles with the help of allies. Each map has positions where you can use a good boost.

To push off, one player stands behind the other. Your partner crouches down so you can jump on top of them. Depending on your position, you will have to jump again so that your partner can release the squat and stand button. If you are standing on your partner’s head, he, of course, should not move away.

An image of players moving forward in the video game Counter-Strike 2.

A powerful and popular boost in Overpass.

© Screenshot Valve

Counter Strike 2.

You can only access this box through Boost

© Screenshot Valve

Although the two-person push is the standard, there are positions that can involve several or even all team members. Classic boosting points are, for example, the crates in front of ramp B in Ancient or in Overpass from point B to the water. Overpass in particular is known for its many speed-up options thanks to the layout of the map.

When it comes to movement, it’s often the small details that make the difference in Counter-Strike. Simple mechanics can take you to the next level with just a few tricks, which can often be an advantage. This includes jumping, which has more aspects to CS2 than you might first think.

The first and most important mechanic is the so-called crouch jump. While a simple jump using the spacebar is easy to perform, it won’t take your character as high as would be technically possible. This is where the squat jump comes into play and can significantly increase your maximum jump height.

Counter-Strike 2 players.

This jump only works on a successful penalty jump.

© Screenshot Valve

Just combine the jump button with the crouch button. You will reach maximum height if you press the crouch button just before jumping. Although the execution is very simple, the crouch jump itself is essential for Counter-Strike. Many objects and obstacles can only be climbed using this mechanic, such as the wooden crates at Point A in Mirage.

On the other hand, an advanced jumping mechanic is the so-called Strafe Jump. Although you can jump higher with a crouch jump, a slope jump can increase your jump distance. If you master it, you can jump from a bench to a window in the center of the Mirage, for example, without the help of any allies. However, this requires some preparation and is recommended for more experienced players.

When using Strafe Jump, you do not jump straight, but in a slight arc. To do this, move the mouse in a slight arcing motion while jumping. At the same time, press the arrow key on the keyboard that you are moving the mouse on. Important: release the W key as soon as you jump.

Proper use of grenades is important in CS2. Be it smoke grenades, stun grenades or incendiaries. If you know how to throw them, you greatly increase your chances of winning. Jump throwing allows you to significantly expand your throwing range. Essential for many smokes on all CS2 maps.

An image of a smoke grenade being launched in the video game Counter-Strike 2.

Your grenades travel much further when you jump throw.

© Screenshot Valve

While in CS:GO you still had to rely on creating the perfect snap or timing, Valve has significantly reworked and simplified the mechanics of CS2. The time interval for a successful jump is now significantly longer. If you throw a grenade while moving upward, the jump throw will be successful.

Put yourself in the right place. Hold down the left mouse button to remove the ring from the grenade without throwing it. Then jump up and release the left mouse button while moving up. Fun fact: If you did everything right, your character will make a sound that only you can hear.

If you have already mastered counter-strafeing, you can get closer to the beginning of the swing. This mechanic is basically about simulating looking at a certain angle or getting information about your opponent’s position. At best, you will provoke a reaction from the enemy and will be able to move.

Counter Strike 2.

If you’re waiting for AWP: Jiggle Peek’s solution

© Screenshot Valve

To look outside, stand near a corner and quickly alternate between pressing the A and D buttons. This will cause your character to quickly move left and right, making him a harder target for your opponent. This movement trick is especially useful against AWP as it allows the enemy to miss.

Be sure to watch CS:GO Memories – The Early Years for free on Red Bull TV.

1 hour 28 minutes

Memories of CS:GO – the early years

As we enter a new era with Counter-Strike 2, we remember the golden years of CS:GO with its main characters.

This story is part

Memories of CS:GO – the early years

As we enter a new era with Counter-Strike 2, we remember the golden years of CS:GO with its main characters.

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