9-year-old boy dies of sepsis after doctor discharges him and prescribes ibuprofen

Dylan Cope, 9, went to Grange Hospital in Wales with suspected appendicitis but was diagnosed with influenza. According to The Sun newspaper, he was sent home with a prescription for ibuprofen.

Before going to the hospital, his parents took him to the family doctor, who suspected he had appendicitis and recommended that he go to hospital. The newspaper’s investigation shows the doctor also notified the hospital of the minor’s diagnosis.

He was discharged on December 6 after blood tests showed that He tested positive for the flu. One of the doctors treating him “dismissed” any “concerns” about appendicitis.

Days passed, and Dylan Cope’s condition did not improve. The boy’s father, seeing how frightened his son’s legs were, He was immediately taken to the hospital.where was he told this appendix ruptured.

“The doctors told us there was nothing else he should do; It’s unlikely that Dylan will survive.– said the father. Finally the boy died from sepsis December 14.

An open investigation wants to determine appendicitis Dylan could have been discovered earlier.

Medical records stated that Dylan suffered from pain on the right side of his body, which indicated appendicitis, but this was not documented in his testimony before the coroner’s court. He also said that he had not ruled out appendicitis, despite the fact that the diagnosis indicated influenza as a diagnosis.

At this time, the investigation remains open.

Symptoms of appendicitis

Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Treatment for appendicitis usually includes antibiotics and surgery to remove the appendix. Among the symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower right abdomen.
  • Pain that starts around the navel and moves to the lower right abdomen.
  • Pain that gets worse with coughing, walking, or other movements.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Heat
  • Constipation or diarrhea.
  • Bloating.
  • Gases.

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