America and Britain bombed 36 Houthi positions in Yemen

Madrid, 4 (Europa Press)

Forces from the United States and the United Kingdom, with support from other countries, have attacked 36 positions of Yemen’s Houthi militia in 13 different locations.

“As part of ongoing international efforts to respond to increasing Iranian-backed destabilizing and illegal Houthi activities in the region, on February 3 at approximately 11:30 (Sanaa time) forces of the US Central Command, in conjunction with the United Kingdom “With the support of the armed forces and Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands and New Zealand, strikes were carried out on 36 Houthi targets in 13 locations in areas of Yemen controlled by Iran-backed Houthi militants,” explained the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) social network. X, earlier in a publication on Twitter.

In the same message he explained that “these multilateral coalition strikes were focused on targets in Houthi-controlled Yemen, which were used to attack international merchant ships and US Navy ships in the area” and that the targets included “several underground storage facilities, command and control”. , missile systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, radar and helicopter storage and operation sites.

According to US sources cited by CNN, strikes have also been carried out from the surface and from the air using aircraft such as F/A-18.

According to CENTCOM, these strikes are intended to “degrade the capabilities the Houthis use to continue their reckless and illegal attacks against American and British ships”, but they have clarified that they are aimed at reducing multinational freedom of navigation operations. Are separate and distinct from. Under Operation Prosperity Guardian”, which refers to the new multinational initiative under the umbrella of Combined Maritime Forces that focuses on security in the Red Sea.

This Saturday, US armed forces reported the destruction of at least a dozen Houthi drones during a series of incidents dating back to last Friday.

The first incident occurred at 10:30 am local time in Yemen’s capital Sanaa (8:30 am Friday in Spain) when the US destroyer ‘USS Carney’ destroyed a drone in the Gulf of Aden without causing any damage or casualties. To regret.

Four hours later, US Army Central Command forces conducted a strike that destroyed four Yemeni rebel drones that were “ready to launch” from “rebel-controlled areas of Yemen”.

“US forces determined that they presented an imminent threat to US cargo ships and vessels in the area and therefore decided to launch this self-defense operation to destroy them,” he reported.

Ultimately, at 9:20 pm (7:30 pm in Spain), the destroyer USS Laboon and F/A-18 fighters of the aircraft carrier strike group Dwight D. Eisenhower launched an operation that resulted in the aircraft being shot down. Was shot down. Seven non-military aircraft. The mutiny sails over the Red Sea, again with no losses or casualties among North American forces.

The Yemeni Houthis control central and northern Yemen and have launched attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea in support of the Gaza Strip, which is the target of Israeli military strikes.

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