Juan Ros, cancer patient: I am the name and surname of the person no one wants to see” – Region of Murcia

“My name is Juan Ros and I am a cancer patient.”. With these words began Juan’s manifesto for World Cancer Day. The man who at COPE wanted to tell his story with Hodgkin’s lymphoma: “This type of cancer is one of those that can be cured. I was diagnosed in 2005 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. They gave me chemotherapy From the first line. I was in complete remission for the next 5 or 6 years. But in the end I had relapse and they had to do transfer my own cells. The transplant didn’t work and after 3 years I finally had a transplant with family member cellsmy sister. Since then I’ve been in complete remission

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a disease in which cancer cells in the lymphatic system (part of the immune system that protects the body from infections and diseases).

He February 4 Celebrated World Cancer Day. It’s time to talk about illness without fear. On the occasion of this day, some citizens created in the heart of Murcia human connection Green color. It’s tried and true make visibleThus, uniting everyone against this disease.

This year’s message focuses on support economic and social. In addition, from the Spanish Cancer Association of the Region of Murcia: AEKKdon’t forget to fight loneliness that patients suffering from this disease live. Here’s how the AECC president explained it: Manuel Molina Bois: “This week it became known that 1,062 Murcians with cancer live alone. This is something the community needs to get involved in.”

Primary prevention This is a key point, as the Minister of Health explained, Juan Jose Pedreño: “Thanks to healthy habits like exercising exercise, No smoking or No take alcohol“4 out of 10 cancers are preventable.” He early diagnosis And investigation is also fundamental.”

Forecasts for the future are disappointing. In Spain, 1 in 2 men and 2 in 3 women suffer from cancer. Thus, such actions help raise awareness about a disease that affects many people in the world. It’s very important to talk about cancer without fear.

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