“Let’s see if I have a bad reaction.”

TOWhat There was optimism about Nairo Quintana’s return to professional cycling. and Miguel Angel “Superman” Lopez, it seems that the latter’s case will be very delicate and he will not follow the wheel of his compatriot on his return to the World Tour. And although Lopez did not test positive at any official test, according to his explanations, he was accused of a delicate offense before the start of the 2022 Giro d’Italia while playing for Astana..

And that’s what’s in During the investigation of the famous “Operation Ilex”, the fishing corridor (Boyaca) was accused of the use and possession of prohibited substances. which would be provided by the doctor Marcos Mainar Mariño. It was then mentioned that this was Actovegin, which in the sports world is called “the poor man’s EPO.”. Although the UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) is not on the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) list of substances banned, it understands that it helps the heart suffer less during effort and is against official rules.

Since this information began to be revealed, “Superman” has had difficulty continuing his sports career. Firstly, he left the Astana team and received rejections from the great cycling teams of the world. But with the latest episode dedicated to Lopez, with the dismissal of the appeals he filed with the UCI and CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) so that punishments can be abolished.

The revelations that sank “Superman” Lopez in “Operation Ilex”

The newspaper MARCA revealed in Spain the details of the report of the UCO (Central Operational Unit) of the Civil Guard and the Prosecutor’s Office of Extremadura, they contain documents, conversations, images and other elements that reinforce the point and point to many things. Between these There is Miguel Angel Lopez, who will suffer greatly, since the others may be punished for drug trafficking.but the athlete will face serious punishment and the end of his career.

The name “Operation Ilex” comes from the most common tree in Extremadura where all these problems occur – the holm oak, which in Latin is “ilicis”.. Well, from the very beginning of the case, everything is focused on Spain and the information known at the beginning of February 2024 comes from the authorities of this country. It all started as an investigation and monitoring of the trafficking network of illicit products led by Dr. Meinard, a specialist from the University of Extremadura.

In the Spanish justice system, the alleged criminal act is referred to as manufacturing, supplying, brokering, offering and storing medicines for these purposes without legal authorization. AND Lopez’s name appears because he was supposed to have the goods delivered. This comes from the treatment of drugs such as HGM-Lepori powder 75 IU and solvent for injection solution, the owner of which is Angelini Pharma España SL and The active ingredient is menotropin..

The person who would have given the Colombian this substance was Vicente Belda (son), who, like his father, was a cyclist and is now linked to this scandal. And that’s what In the revelations of the conversations, it is read that Belda Sr. mentions Miguel Angel Lopez with incriminating statements.:

What about my son… he’s for Superman

The context will indicate that Belda Jr. would receive the substance and travel to Hungary, where he would be injected before the start of the 2022 Giro d’Italia.. But in subsequent testimony, the same accused in contact with the athlete indicated that he got rid of the received parcel just when he discovered that it contained:

I receive it and until the day I leave I don’t understand what it is. I received it and the day before leaving for the trip I opened the packages for the organization. I see there are blisters and I literally throw them away. Firstly, because it is illegal. According to team rules, I can’t bring in medications, my hair is falling out. Secondly, because if I get stopped at the airport, my hair will fall out and I’ll have to take two flights the next day. I couldn’t risk my life because of the blisters.

The MARCA Spain publication stated that the substance, which sought to be a performance-enhancing doping, would have had adverse effects. and that bothered “Superman.” So much so that other conversations published exclusively show that Dr. Mainard instructs Dr. Pesky to act and reduce the resulting inflammation..

With dates of 5 and 6 May 2022, the day before the start of the Italian circular route from Hungary, The following messages were found on the said doctor’s cell phone to Lopez::

“Miguel, the problem with your legs is fluid retention in the testicles. I told Vicente to do high frequency, low intensity videos this afternoon. He’ll tell you.”

– “Miguel, Vicente already told me about today, I think that you may have inflammation of the femoral nerve and it would be good to take an anti-inflammatory and take hydroxyl b1, b6 and b13”

– “Think positively, because if things were serious, they would have taken you much longer, so for now, let’s solve the problem as soon as possible. Stay calm and be patient.”

These words prompted Miguel Angel Lopez to respond, making it clear that he was aware of and accepted the instructions. And although the racer tried to resolve the issue with the term “vitamins”there is already an excellent point in the case:

Let’s see if I have a bad reaction to any of the new vitamins you sent me.

Faced with such a scenario, Maynard asks for peace of mind not to use what would be sent to him in the following days. But Let us remind you that Lopez left the 2022 Giro d’Italia at the fourth stage, which will take place on May 10.and after documents, revelations and investigations became known, sanctions came from the Astana team itself and from the ITA (the anti-doping division of the International Cycling Union).

What will be the punishment for “Superman” Lopez and the participants in “Operation Ilex”?

In the report they note that At first, one might think that Miguel Angel Lopez would face about 4 years in prison if he did not tell the truth to the judge in the case., but he wasn’t the only cyclist involved. But now that all that has been revealed, and with no clarity on what bohasense said, sources from the International Cycling Union told MARCA that sanctions against Lopez could “Be like Armstrong for life”.

In other cases, these penalties will be presented:

Marcos Mainar faces 5 to 6 years in prison for drug trafficking and doping. Ignacio “Nacho” Bartolome would also have been around 6 years old and doping., for providing instructions on the use of menotropin. Angel Vazquez will be punished for drug trafficking or EPO, but this depends on whether the former cyclist Luis Vicente Otin had a sports license at the time.

In cases Vicente Belda, father and son, there is much to be said as Vicente Belda will not be sentenced as there is no evidence that the drugs were given to anyone.. While the son, who, according to the conversations shown, could have been a contact with the alleged doping “Superman” Lopez, would have received 3 years for a doping-related crime.

But Everything remains in the hands of the UCO judge and the Extremadura prosecutor’s office, since if the procedure is not opened in 2024, the aforementioned penalties will not be applied in court.. Only Marcos Mainar and “Nacho” Bartolome as alleged sources of drug trafficking.

Of course, it is known that The justice of sports organizations and courts has nothing to do with this, and “Superman” will be punished for life.. While everything remains to be seen, the leaked information gives reason to be pessimistic about Miguel Angel Lopez.

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