“Memoirs of Genocide”, Natalie Portman, rat selfies and Francis Poulenc: “Pied Piper Session”

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Bonjour to everyone and everything,

In this session program: many films and reflections on the transmission of memory of genocides. Parfois, les deux thematiques se sont croisées: actress Sandra Hüller temoignait ainsi à notre antenne de la Difficulties of the game la “Queen of Auschwitz“dance” Area of ​​interestthis woman who”description of how millions of people died in a small garden“. On s’est also requireé quelle eau pouvait-on boire, tout en observant de petits rongeurs narcissiques… Bonnes écoutes 🎧 Pauline Petit

Zoom of the week: radio becomes touchscreen

"May December"Todd Haynes - ARP Selection
“May, December”, Todd Haynes – ARP Sélection

This week, read the content of your images. The first cinema and porter of the great actresses, the restored and celebrated cinema with its ancestral port and the strange and arachnistic cinema… On this page, Sandra Hüller confirms her commentary on her glissé dans la peau de Hedwig Höss dans. Area of ​​interest (alors qu’elle s’était promis de ne jamais incarner une nazie), and Natalie Portman’s commentary, in May Decembershe vulu mettre “the public is in an unstable situation”“. And then, upon landing in the southern autochenilles Yellow Croisier d’André Sauvage at the Viva Cinéma festival, in front of the fair with the “parasites” grouillantes of the international festival of fantastic films in Gérardmer.

👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼 Watching Trouble at the Movies with Natalie Portman and Todd Haynes (Large Shot, 58 min)

📽️ Sandra Hüller, actress: “I don’t want to be the queen of Auschwitz” (Les Midis de Culture, 39 min.)

🎞️ À Valence, cinema restored by the festival (Grand tour, 10 minutes)

🕷️ Les Fruits de l’abîme: Gérardmer 2024, meeting with Sebastian Vanicek and Mathieu Thury (Mauvais genres, 58 minutes)

It’s in action

An UNRWA school will be fenced off after an Israeli frappe in the village of Khuzaa, near Abasan in Khan Yunis (Gaza), November 27, 2023.
An UNRWA school will be fenced off after an Israeli frappe in the village of Khuzaa, near Abasan in Khan Yunis (Gaza), November 27, 2023.


🏳️ International Court of Justice, UNRWA… what can be done? Last weekend, extreme right group in Israel appeals for recolonization from the Palestinian enclave of Gazaso the International Court of Justice alertit du”risky turn and inevitability“Genocide on our territory. Over time, the pros pay the suspension of an assistant to UNRWA, ONU’s agency fighting Palestinian refugees. What can international organizations do in a conflict? ( France Culture plus lower back, 35 min.)

💧Toute honte bue. Une enquête conjointe du Monday and the Cellule study carried out by Radio France showed that mineral water is sold in a boutique (censée être naturalllement pure) and this is illegal, like robinette water in the industry for commercialization. A “water gate“French. ( “Question of the Day”, 8 min.)

🌾 Pester against pesticides. To ensure agricultural development, the government has suspended the Ecophyto plan to reduce pesticide use. Victory for FNSEA, the main agricultural union. More for the environment? Et pour l’agricultural elle-même? ( Policy Brief, 3 min.)

📃 Acquis de droit. Décréter des droits – or les constitutionalizer – no guarantee or facilitation of access is required; The amount of non-repayment of certain benefits is reduced by 30%. It is real that one is questioning the state of public freedoms. ( Sous-les-radars, 29 min.)

Memoirs of genocide

Young girls devant le Mur des noms du Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris in 2010.
Young girls devant le Mur des noms du Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris in 2010.


On January 27, the day of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp in 1945, the “Journey of Remembrance of Genocides and Crimes against Humanity” took place. Comment transmettre l’histoire de l’unpensable? In school, the media, and also in literature, this issue is sensitive. Visit places of remembrance with younger generations, explore memories of rescue, mise-en-scène and reading evenings in your free time… a variety of paths for a memory fair.

👩‍🏫 “Memoir of genocide, what kind of pedagogy?” (Être et savoir, 58 min)

👮 La rafle du Vel d’Hiv, récits d’un Crime français (LSD, documentary series, 4 x 58 min)

✍️ The Rwandan Genocide: Intimate and Collective Memory, with Beata Umubiei Mairesse (Le Book Club, 58 minutes)

This time

Rats, dammit!
Rats, dammit!

© Getty – Image of Jaguar Tambaco

Now you have 3️⃣ minutes

📸 Say cheese! Le saviez-vous: tout comme les humans, il semblerait que les rats, aimed at oneself in the photograph. Ronges from narcissism? Details of scientific experience… but also of aesthetics. ( Connected World)

Now you have 3️⃣8️⃣ minutes.

💭 Encore quelques Bulles? The next day, as part of the international festival of the group Dessinée in 2024, the ambitious album Angoulême will be released. Avec du beau, du drôle et du déroutant, all this is in our critical remarks. ( Les Midis de Culture)

Now you have 5️⃣8️⃣ minutes.

🏥Fou parmi les autres. In 1838, the Aliens Laws were promulgated, which generalized the award for mental illness. Anatole Le Bras is interested in the trajectory of ces “fous” in a period when isolation doit concourir à leur bien-être… most of all in the tranquility of society there was no ils sont mis à l’ ecart. ( Coordination of times)

Vous avez toute la nuit… 🌚

🎼 Un pour tous, tous Poulenc. To design an artist’s work in the style of Francis Poulenc, his biography or music do not meet the requirements. Il faut visitor is a place of inspiration, l’écouter parler of his friends – Apollinaire, Erik Satie, Igor Stravinsky or Jean Cocteau -, saisir ce qu’il ya de fantaisiste dans sa musique religieuse et de mystique dans ses ses a ballet. ..This is the journey that you offer in this series. ( Culture of Le Nuits de France)

This is the end of the session. What if you spend the weekend with a great guy? It is known that Leonard is the head waiter of Penso, Griebuyer efficiencysome of biomimetic engineeringGreat military strategyA Scientifice peutre encore plus precurseur qu’on le think…Voici que l’on découvre De Vinci, economist. Parfaitement intégré à l’écosystème du mecénat de la Renaissance, il montre comment l’artiste pouvait être excellent gestionnaire de ses sous… Have a nice weekend and à la semaine prochaine!

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