Covid has disrupted the traditional flu seasonality

A study conducted by scientists from Clinical Microbiology Service and from Department of Pediatrics, Hospital of the University of Navarra discovered that Covid-19 has disrupted the traditional temporality of influenza and syncytial virus until May 2022.

Infectious diseases in clinical practice is the journal that published the findings of this study. Behind removal of preventive restrictions in spring 2021, children and teenagers returned to school and it produced gradual increase in circulation of common viruses in these age groups. They had an unusual delay that peaked outside normal epidemic periods.

Melania Inigobelonging Clinical Microbiology Service of the Hospital of the University of Navarraexplained that “There has been a clear change in seasonality since Covid-19. respiratory viral infections compared to the pre-pandemic period. Traditionally, we have two major viral epidemics per year.: in syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza.”

Covid-19 has upset the balance of flu seasonality.

According to the doctor, RSV bronchiolitis has a special clinical impact on children under 2 years old and are usually found between October and March. However, after imprisonment and that preventive measures were canceled in schools, unusually high incidence between March and July.

“One day, The flu epidemic usually occurs between November and December, as well as March and April, and in 2021 has virtually disappeared until December. and the prevalence peaked between March and May 2022.” general seasonality restored both pandemics.

Unnecessary increase in diagnoses

Another of the most significant findings from the study was revealed by two students from Faculty of Medicine of the University of Navarra, He changing the diagnostic algorithm which existed at that time and partially remains today. “Before Covid-19, many respiratory infections that developed without diagnosis final microbiological…” – noted one of the researchers.

Due to the need antigen and PCR tests have the opportunity to travel and establish conditions of detention, a pan-diagnosis situation has arisen what did it mean collapse of laboratories and medical centers. However, “once this stage is overcome, the trend should return to previous diagnostic indications aimed at at-risk groups,” the student said.

Masks and vaccination

Regarding use masksIñigo believes that “it should be recommended in the same cases as before the pandemic, that is, during an influenza epidemic, when we are with people suffering from risk factors…”. These risk groups include infants during RSV, the elderly, immunocompromised patients, or pregnant women. and experts consider it “necessary” vaccination.

“This year in Spain, children under 6 months of age were immunized against RSV, and although we have not yet analyzed the data, we have observed very significant decrease number of hospitalizations and bronchiolitis symptom severity index in this age group,” the researcher concludes.

Covid-19 has upset the balance of flu seasonality.

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