February: Cancer Awareness Month

In the month of February we find ourselves on the calendar World Cancer Day And International Childhood Cancer Day, two dates that serve to update the information we have about the different variants of this complex pathology. And also to raise awareness among the public about the difficulties faced by their patients and families.

Cancer rates in Spain in 2024, SEOM infographic

Like every year, Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) And Spanish network of cancer registries (Redecan) presented the latest recorded figures: in Spain more than 285,000 new cancer cases in 2024, up 2.6% from last year.

Of course, the number of cases is increasing, as is the survival rate. According to him study Association between pharmaceutical innovation and cancer mortality in Spainpublished in the journal Value in Health, pharmaceutical innovations reduced cancer deaths in Spain by almost 30% between 1999 and 2016. Information revealed by the professor Frank R. LichtenbergProfessor of Economics at Columbia University (USA) at a webinar organized by Farmaidustria.

In fact, since 2000, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved more 140 new active ingredients for the treatment of solid tumors. Thirteen of these entered the European market last year, and of these, 9 were hailed as “significant contributions” to healthcare as they targeted rare and childhood cancers. This is guaranteed report Key advances in human medicines in 2023carried out by the EMA.

Visibility for breast cancer patients

Accompanying a person on their journey to illness is more than just an act of solidarity. This is an expression of love that helps heal not only the body, but also the soul. In addition, support strengthens the will to overcome any problems. AND patient associations know this.

Near mammary cancer These agencies play a critical role in creating a strong and comprehensive network of support for people receiving assistance. diagnosis. They offer vital information about the disease and available treatments, and provide a place to share experiences, fears and triumphs. Something that reduces feelings of isolation and creates a community that helps overcome the challenges of breast cancer.

According to a survey conducted with the participation of 605 women from 48 associations Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer (FECMA), the percentage of people who contact a patient association after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is high. Of the 78.5% who sought some kind of support 55% contacted patient associations27% – to a psychologist and 13% admit that they were looking for this in a family member.

However, only 53% of patients were informed by healthcare professionals about the existence of the association. These data highlight the need increase the visibility of patient associations make them available to new patients. This was one of the messages shared during the digital meeting. The value of patient associationsorganized by FECMA on its initiative Breast Cancer Fables. It has institutional support from, among others, SEOM and the breast cancer collaborative research groups Geicam and Solti.

The participating experts recognized that the units breast pathology (surgery and oncology consultations) are key to providing information on nearby patient associations. In this sense, they encouraged patients to take the initiative to contact associations and devote more resources to being visible through communication.

“Most people are connected to social media for many hours a day. If we find an account that gives us information, that is active and provides resources… that will motivate patients to come closer,” he insisted. Lorena Maria Soria, psychologist from the Association of Women Surviving Breast Cancer Surgery in Malaga (ASAMMA).

“A breast surgery consultation, a medical oncology consultation, or radiation oncology will always be part of the diagnostic and treatment process, and we should have brochures on the table to let patients know the resources they have at their disposal. . The system should keep them there like a tray of candy. This is the most natural way of integration, and all patients have the opportunity to benefit from it,” he explained. Alvaro Rodríguez-Lescure, Head of the Department of Medical Oncology at the General University Hospital of Elche.

For both speakers, patient associations are key so that patients can feel “accompany, embrace, protecteven supported by other women who have experienced similar situations,” and which are important resources that complement and enrich the information provided by doctors.

Prevention, equity and innovation

Another event that took place in February this year was VI Spanish Cancer Summitorganized Spanish Group of Cancer Patients (Gepac). A day where they talked about prevention through community collaboration, equal access to innovative treatments, and new treatments related to genetics and biomarkers.

VI Spanish Cancer Summit.  Round table “Formation of strategies: community collaboration in cancer prevention”

At this meeting, the Minister of Health, Monica García, announced the creation Cancer Surveillance System within the framework of the State Network for Public Health Surveillance. Its goal: to gain more information about this pathology and the positive impact it has on research and evaluation of control and prevention programs.

Patient organizations such as the Spanish Association of Thyroid Cancer (AECAT) and the Spanish Association of People Suffering from Brain Tumors (ASATE) also took part, sharing their experiences of providing support.

“Talking as equals helps build trust between our colleagues and the patients who come to us. This allows messages sent from groups like ours to be received in a more direct and complete manner. And for this reason, we are ready to cooperate both with the authorities and with medical professionals and other associations in campaigns that are beneficial for patients and for the prevention of cancer,” commented Aransas Sáez Sánchez, President of AECAT.

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