Emily Blunt presents the “Overt le Cran” pendant by Cillian Murphy le Tournage d’Oppenheimer

Daisy Ridley keeps her Star Wars accessories in “endroit très ûr”.

The 31-year-old actress played the role of King in the series of films that followed and revealed that she kept mementos from the tour.

He told PEOPLE: “In Star Wars, there’s a laser saber and a bag that he carries as Rey. And John Williams has a partition theme that’s phenomenal. Ils “They are all at the end of the three year period.”

Daisy had achieved important success in her career, and the actress sat in “reconnaissance” to show that it was déjà vu that had happened.

She admitted: “Je crois beaucoup à la gratitude.”

The Malgrés are successful, Daisy doesn’t have a long-term career plan and doesn’t think about me being there.

Elle auprès de Magazine W: “Parfois, I demand that I abandon the plan. a dit: “C’est Tellement interessant la façon dont vous choisissez vos roles.” “Sais pas comment le prendre. I thought it was a compliment.”

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