Putin tells commentator Tucker Carlson he does not want to invade Poland or the Baltic countries

exactly two years later Vladimir Putin and his entire team Kremlin Actively and passively denied that he was going to invade Ukraine – and, at times, even laughed at the predictions. usa On the opposite side – the Russian President has repeated the same reassuring words, this time regarding Poland and the Baltic countries. Given historical precedent, they can sleep better today Warsaw, Riga,vilnius And Tallin.

Putin made this statement in an interview posted on the website of an American commentator. tucker carlson One of the originators of the ‘replacement theory’, which says there is a conspiracy to replace white people with immigrants. Carlson, who was fired from the news network ten months ago Fox News, he is the public figure who most clearly supports Putin in the United States. during your time Fox NewsThe commentator said on air that “I’m with Russia” in the invasion of Ukraine, and defended retired Colonel Douglas McGregor’s thesis that the United States is Russia’s rival because “it’s a Christian country.” Carlson has recently interviewed British far-right leader Nigel Farage and two months ago, Vox leader Santiago Abascal. This is the first interview Putin has given to a Western person since launching the current invasion of Ukraine, despite the fact that, according to the Kremlin, the Russian dictator has “rejected numerous requests” in this regard.

The interview, lasting two hours and seven minutes, begins with an hour and a half in which Putin gives one of his usual history lessons designed to demonstrate that ukraine it is part of Russia, It is full of the usual propaganda elements it usually resorts to to justify a “special operation” launched against its neighbor, not a war, which has so far resulted in the deaths of nearly a quarter of a million people. Is.

Thus, Putin reiterates that Ukraine is not actually a country, But in the hands of “a nationalist elite” a type of entity that has tried to “carve out an identity using Nazi figures”, for which it has had “the help of the United States and its satellites in Europe.” The Russian president, who is practically alone in his country’s elections next month, also reiterated the usual main lines of his campaign, such as the arrival of a multipolar world, the rise of the alliance between moscow And Beijing And the end – always around the corner – of the dollar’s role as the world reserve currency.

The interview has a dominant tone, partly because of Carlson’s polite attitude and also because of the terrible voice used to translate Putin into English, which together sounds like something from a translation software program. Carlson’s subordination to Putin is evidenced not only by the fact that, contrary to what he Fox News, he lets his interlocutor talk to the point of boredom, but also in his use of words. So, for example, Carlson asks Putin if “you can imagine a case in which you would send Russian troops poland”, Reflecting careful use of terminology to avoid the words “invasion” or “war”, as Russia does not do that.

(TagstoTranslate)International(T)War Ukraine Russia(T)Russia(T)Ukraine(T)Vladimir Putin(T)Articles Pablo Pardo

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