What is the main food for a healthy brain?

For the body to function well, the foods consumed must be rich in nutrients, vitamins, iron, calcium and antioxidants. This also applies to brain health. What foods are best for the brain.

Diet rich vitamins and good proteins This will help stimulate the brain, improve cognitive function and reduce the likelihood of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.

Neurologists always note that some foods rich in fatty acids and omega-3 They create and repair brain cells. And vitamins containing antioxidants reduce so-called cellular stress and inflammation. These two variables cause aging and memory loss.

Brain: the best food for your health

One of the foods most recommended by experts and very easy to include in a healthy diet is spices.

For example, saffron and turmeric have antioxidant properties. They are useful for reducing anxiety and protecting the hippocampus, a structure located in the temporal lobe of the brain that influences learning and memory.

Fermented foods made from milk, yeast and bacteria are also recommended as they reduce cognitive decline and improve memory.

Brain: the best food for your healthBrain: the best food for your health

Other recommended products:

  • Walnuts. They contain omega-3 and improve memory, promote learning and calm depression, suffering and anxiety.
  • bitter chocolate. Rich and popular around the world, this food is an antioxidant that controls brain chemicals that affect people’s mood.
  • Avocado. They are a rich source of magnesium. They also help relieve some symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Green leafy vegetables. Spinach, chard, different types of lettuce. They prevent cognitive decline because they are very rich in vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids. They also contain vitamin B9, which is essential for the formation of red blood cells.
  • Oranges. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which protect brain cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. The latter are unstable molecules that can damage brain cells and contribute to their deterioration. In addition, this citrus fruit also contains flavonoids and folic acid, which contribute to the proper functioning of this very important organ.

Vitamins that promote neuronal development

Experts talk a lot about various vitamins. B is best for mental health and neurons. They pay special attention in vitamin B1, It is also called thiamine because it helps perform basic cellular functions.

On the other side, B12 It affects the formation of red blood cells and brain development. It also helps break down homocysteine, a protein that is harmful to the heart and can cause some types of dementia.

Finally, vitamin B9which is folic acid and helps in DNA formation, promotes cellular detoxification and ensures optimal functioning of neurotransmitters.

Vitamins that promote neuronal developmentVitamins that promote neuronal development

Where are all these vitamins found? Doctors often prescribe them in the form of supplements, such as folic acid, for pregnant women, thinking about the development of children.

But they are also found in vegetables. green leaves, legumes, eggs, salmon and sunflower seeds.

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