mother and girl posing ensemble and leurs sublime images sont plus similarities that never

At the evening organized by Cartier, Monica Bellucci and Deva Cassel proved that beauty is passed on from mother to girl. Même maquillage smoky and chevelure de rêve: les Italiennes sont des copy seguires. Photo.

Monica Bellucci and her girlfriend Deva Cassel attend the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Trinity de Cartier collection on February 7. The two women are brilliant, like a hypnotizing beauty.

Monica Bellucci and Deva Cassel are unhappy with the smoke

They represent a rare ensemble of world events. Ainsi, Monica Bellucci and the girl who dressed to draw attention to the evening or to other accomplices from Montreux may have been looking at the photos published by Virgo Cassel on the Instagram account. All two dresses are black, two women chose on the same day similar makeup. Other pieces Monica Bellucci wears include the young fashion model’s signature smoky eyes tenébreux, available in charcoal makeup but in a more subtle version. Unfard brun habillait ses paupières, tandis que des cils XXL – this is your respect. Le truc en plus, qui faisait toute la différence? They fard à paupières était étiré vers les tempes to believe in smoky look, cat eye effect. For the rest of the makeup, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel’s young girl opted for simplicity with a solid color and nude mascara.

Monica Bellucci Virgo Cassel
© monicabellucciofficiel Instagram

Bright chevé from Monica Bellucci and Deva Cassel.

Autre atout beauté similaire entre l’actrice de 59 ans et l’Italienne de 19 ans: leurs chevelures à la brilliance à la brilliance. Alors que la compagne Tim Burton a éclairci ses ses cheveux pour arborer une une Noiset Solaire coloring, The Virgin of Cassel is a garde, it is a cheveux bruns naturals that does not look like a prisoner. If you want shiny hair, as well as glossy two-star cells, but it’s not as easy as finishing your wash in freezing water, apply pressure to the hair on your head effectively and relax the fiber capillaries.

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