Laporta’s big anger after the game

Joan Laporta couldn’t help but show his disappointment after the match with Grenade. The culés hoped they could reduce the points by Gironaafter he tripped in Santiago Bernabeubut they couldn’t get further than a draw and the top leader, as he explained, ended the match very angry Catalonia Radio.

The lawyer expressed his dissatisfaction with the missed opportunity and, according to a Catalan radio station, even threw several trays of canapés served in the box Montjuic Olympic. Catalans were measured at Grenade which is fighting to escape the relegation zone and has gained only one point all season.

Moreover, during the match with the Andalusians, a small section of the stands turned against the figure Joan Laporta. It was only punctual and in a small sector, but critical voices were heard. And this is not the first time this has happened. Against him Villarreal There was also a part of the followers who expressed anger at the government and, above all, at the figure of the president.

Own Javi disclosed in Press room who was talking to Joan Laporta and that he was disappointed with the result. “He told me it’s a long game. It’s a big disappointment. It’s a home game, we need to win it to continue fighting. We’re all the same. There’s no difference,” the coach explained.

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