Harry Styles: 3 Signature Details of the Style Icon

The charm of masculine codes with feminine details, an obsession for 1970 anniversaries, le tout saupoudré d’une maîtrise parfaite des couleurs acidulées… En Direct du Tapis Rouge et de La Scene, a return to 3 style lessons suggests couples Harry Styles.


Côté regime, old leader One direction I developed well. Lorsk Leon maintains style Harry Styles, to the remark that the breeze is without the dictates of the genre. Adept GucciI will develop the look with pieces of general color, with shades of the 70s, playing with codes. About this latest issue of American Vogue December 2020 on this page. Harry Styles Apparaît (premiere at 127, when a man poses alone in Une du Magazine) vêtu d’une robe et d’une Veste, Mettant davantage en avant son desir de se liberer des injonctions de la société.

Harry Styles 3 details signature mode icon style

Kevin Winter/Getty Images for the Recording Academy

Flared trousers

Typical 1970 bohemian clothing, flared trousers (ou patte d’eph), est l’une des obsessions mode de Harry Styles. And that’s so much because this coupe is considered the star of the 2022 trend, détrônant pour de bon le pantalon Skinny. Pour 100% 70’s effect, interpreter Watermelon sugar Choose from velor designs or sophisticated geometric motifs.

Harry Styles at Gucci aux Brit Awards 2021

JMEnternational/JMEnternational for BRIT Awards/Getty Images

Harry Styles 3 mode icon style signature details

Neil Mockford/GC Images

color block

Oh le nouveau chic this year. Encore faut-il savoir comment bien le porter. come Victoria Beckham. Apparently, the air is dominated by acidic colors and Harry Styles l’a bien compris. This means he doesn’t want to mix up the bright hair like he did, or he knows how to pull off a blue queen in long-sleeve pants. À vous d’oser!

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