a simple habit that Bill Gates or Elon Musk use to increase their productivity

Three Pillars of Productivity Backed by a Fundamental Premise: Learn More

Our daily life consists of habits. After all, humans are animals of habit. You have to get rid of bad habits and acquire those that will allow you to reach your full potential.

Writer Thomas Corley collected the habits of the richest and most successful people in his book “Habits of the Rich.” One of these habits was to follow “five o’clock rule“.

This routine involves setting aside an hour a day to purposefully learn new skills that you can then use to improve your work, explore new areas of investment, or simply satisfy your personal curiosity. Millionaires such as Elon Musk or Bill Gates have incorporated this habit into their daily lives. The Microsoft founder is not shy about calling this training basic, and for this reason, he always carries a bag full of books with him.

The Five Hour Rule is based on three main pillars: reading (or any other learning format, be it videos, podcasts, etc.), thinking, and experimenting. Reading allows you to gain new knowledge, broadening your perspective on broader topics as you learn more about the subject.

After studying this knowledge it is convenient to assimilate with the help thoughts on this to organize ideas and find new concerns or points of view for which you may need additional information.

One of Einstein’s most famous quotes was: “If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it enough.” Thus, you can involve third parties in this reflection to explore different points of view on the topic.

The third pillar of this habit is experimentation. That is, try to apply this knowledge in practice in the form of new ideas and solutions or create something new from them. By doing this, you will not only be able to be more productive, but you will also gradually gain more knowledge and skills.

Another effect of this habit is that it helps improve creativity, innovation and critical thinking because by remaining receptive to new knowledge, you can combine and adapt it to apply it to your environment and adjust solutions based on problems that may arise .

To apply this five hour rule, you need to plan your time well as you need to set aside at least one hour a day for this purpose.

Since this is a learning task, it is advisable Choose a time when you still have energy. It is not recommended to leave it until after work or just before bed, as at this time the desire to rest will be stronger than to study. The main thing in acquiring a habit is to make it easier on yourself and not require additional effort.

It’s also important to choose a topic that motivates you personally, not because you need it for your job or are forced to do it. It could be a new language, investing techniques, or crocheting. There is no greater motivation for learning than curiosity.

In Hatak | Three Morning Habits That Will Help You Be Happier and More Productive at Work, According to Science

Image | Pexels (Cottonbro studio)

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