We knew that hair grew in real time in Red Dead Redemption 2, but this detail shows that it also happens in cutscenes. Even going from bald to hairy – Red Dead Redemption 2

There are those who tried to fool Arthur with hair growth tonics, and turn Arthur into a “Big Foot” in a thousandth.

I can’t remember how many hours I spent on Red Dead Redemption 2, and I’m sure many of you can’t either. Rockstar Games’ open world has been and continues to be a role model for the industry. attention to detail, its mature storytelling and its characters, but that’s what brought us here today in the first place. And there are those who have proven to what extent Hair Growth V in real time V kinematics games, and the results are as unique as they are fun.

The fact that hair grows in real time as the story progresses is not new. We liked this view since launch game and brings depth and realism to the adventure that there’s little to criticize. However, many of us might think that during the cinematic scenes that make us let go of control and enjoy Rockstar’s excellent performance in their videos, hair growth would stop. Nothing could be further from reality.

Hair keeps growing in Red Redemption 2

If we can even set the ground on fire and see burning enemies appear on the stage, then in the videos themselves the hair also grows in real time. To test this, YouTube user Nestan asked Arthur to eat 99 tonics for hair growthavailable in the game and then the cinematic sequence began.

He the result is funny. When Arthur meets his uncle, the main character is completely bald, without even a beard. In less than a second, innocent Arthur begins to resemble a distant relative Big foot in the cinematography itself, while his hair and facial hair grow from a simple facial fuzz to a full mane.

Is this the best detail you’ve ever seen? Probably not, but it’s definitely one of the funniest. This is one of those crazy things that Rockstar has taught us to do, and it shows two things: on the one hand, Rockstar this light years from others; On the other hand, although six years have passed since the launch, Red Dead Redemption 2 is still alive.

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