Mexcaltitan and the mystery of the legendary Aztlan

According to the story, in the early 12th century Mexicans abandoned their homeland, the island of Aztlan (city of herons in Nahuatl), fleeing from their master’s territory. Their god Huitzilopochtli predicted that he would recognize the place where they should settle. When they found a lake with an island with a rock growing out of it On which there will be a cactus and an eagle will be sitting swallowing the snake.

Codex Boturini AztlanCodex Boturini Aztlan

Codex Boturini Aztlan

The Mexicans began their migration from the famous island of Aztlan. Pilgrimage scroll or Codex Boturini, 16th century.


After a journey of more than 200 years, the prophecy was fulfilled at Lake Texcoco. there, In 1325, the Mexica founded the city of Tenochtitlan.The future capital of the most powerful empire in all of Mesoamerica (the vast region formed by Mexico and part of Central America) until the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors.

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