The world’s greatest longevity diet expert shows that this simple habit can make you look 2.5 years younger.

Biological age, which measures how you feel, may conflict with chronological age (DA age). Ideally, you should turn back time and note that you are in improved condition over the years you have achieved. According to Valter Longo, the world’s greatest expert on the longevity diet, the solution is as simple as setting our diet to a controlled fasting regimen that never starves us or limits the amount of nutrients our bodies need.

A recent study published in the journal Nature Communications shows that some actions changes in diet that affect both timing of consumption and types of foods (qualitative) markers of health that determine our biological age are declining. According to tests conducted by Valter Longo and his team, intermittent fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) cycles protect normal cells by killing damaged cells, including cancer and autoimmune cells, reducing inflammation, promoting multisystem regeneration, and extending lifespan.

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controlled fasting diet that rejuvenates

In previous studies, Valter Longo presented findings on how Fasting mimicking diet promotes stem cell regeneration, reduced the number of contraindications that many chemotherapy patients suffer from and reduced signs of dementia in mice. The indicators are now focused on reducing insulin resistance, reducing liver fat and rejuvenating the immune system., determining factors of biological age. “This is the first study to show that a nutritional intervention that does not require ongoing changes in diet or lifestyle can people are biologically youngerbased both on changes in risk factors for aging and disease, and on a proven method of estimating biological age,” explained the longevity expert.

In The Longevity Diet (Grijalbo) Valter Longo has already relied on reducing meal times at 11/12 per day. To meet this assumption, all you have to do is have lunch early and breakfast a little later, adapting your meals (somehow) to your circadian rhythm. He also explained that the ideal would be a moderate intake of carbohydrates, always from quality sources (mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains), with low protein from legumes and vegetables, and enough plant-based fat to provide a third of the energy needed to our body.

Now, in a new study, Valter Longo compared the test results of a group of people whose main diet was the Mediterranean diet. Within this groupSome people alternate diet recommendations that simulate fasting for 5 days every 2 months.. At that time, these people consumed vegetable broth, tea, some snack foods (including chips), candy bars, energy drinks, and mineral, vitamin, and fatty acid supplements. A sample of their analyzes concluded that by alternating this regimen of controlled fasting, rejuvenation of biological age by 2.5 years through improved immune system markers (increased lymphoid-myeloid ratio), less accumulation of abdominal and liver fat, and less insulin resistance.

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