Only 10% of Europeans trust Ukraine’s victory against Russian aggression

More Europeans prefer to urge Ukraine to negotiate with Russia than those who support Kiev reclaiming its captured territories.

Only 10% of Europeans believe Ukraine can win the war Launched almost two years ago by Russian President Vladimir Putin, an average of 9% of respondents believed Kyiv could win the contest.

A few days after the second anniversary of the Russian attack, a poll by the European Council on Foreign Relations indicated that Poles, Swedes and Portuguese are the most optimistic Europeans about a Ukrainian victory with 17%, while Greeks, Hungarians and Italians are the most optimistic about Ukraine. Let’s give. Almost no option.

This does not mean that Europeans consider a Russian victory more feasible, as an average of 20% consider this scenario the most likely, while the majority of those surveyed, 37%, see the coming together of Ukrainians and Russians as the most likely solution to the conflict. Let’s see in form. , An agreement.

41% asked to motivate Ukraine for talks with Russia

On the question of negotiating an agreement with Moscow to end the war, a majority of Europeans, 41%, think that Europe should put pressure on Ukraine for talksWhile 31% insist that Europe should support Ukraine to reclaim territory occupied by Russian forces in the east and south of the country.

Once again, over 52% of respondents are in favor of urging Kiev to negotiate a peace deal with Russia, with Hungarians, Greeks and Italians most in favor, while Swedes, Portuguese and Poles are in favor of continuing support for Ukraine. Most are European.

Spaniards are practically tied between both scenarios, while 35% continue to support Kiev in reclaiming the occupied territories, 33% urge Ukraine to sit at the negotiating table.

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