Foster’s Hollywood restaurant closes in Zaragoza, leaving 23 employees on the street

Another fast food restaurant in the chain. Foster’s Hollywood restaurant in Zaragoza has announced its closure. which means the termination of all contracts, 23 in different shifts. This was announced last Monday in a letter to the network, which is in bankruptcy proceedings at the Commercial Court No. 4 of Valencia.

This is Forter’s Hollywood, located in Puerto Venice Shopping Center. In a letter sent to each of the 23 workers, the company states that negotiation committee within five days regarding such collective dismissal. And since there are currently no union representatives in the state, it notes that “the said commission will be formed from members of each of the industry unions (CC. OO. and UGT) and email will be required for this purpose.”

The letter from the bankrupt company to the workers also tells them that if the unions do not take part in negotiation process, which will open on March 6, “the commission will consist of three employees of the company appointed for this purpose from the total number of employees.” This letter also states that “the start of the consultation period will take place at the company’s doors next Wednesday.”

According to Central Committee sources. O.O., this was about six years ago when there was a union election and the company “asked him to leave” the delegate who left, so at that time they did not know whether there was any other representative on the team or not.

In any case, the union expects that the franchise under bankruptcy proceedings will need no more than fifteen days to complete the consultation period that is now open between the company and employee management.

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