More than 100 people killed as Israel opens fire on crowd attacking an aid convoy in Gaza

The attack came after a mob tried to attack a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza City, as the area had gone without food for several weeks.

At least 104 Palestinians have been killed and more than 700 injured Israeli army attack against the crowd of Civilians attempting to collect humanitarian aid In Gaza city. attacked with First food delivery in a month In this area of ​​the Strip, clashes between Israeli forces and Hamas have led to the displacement of thousands of civilians.

Staff at a nearby hospital told Al Jazeera that civilians who ran towards humanitarian aid trucks Hit by drones, bullets and artillery, Due to the abandonment of the area, practically devastated by the Israeli invasion, health centers barely had ambulances and medical personnel to care for the injured. Only a little over a dozen affected people were taken to hospitals in ambulances, while the rest were transported with difficulty in carts pulled by donkeys.

Israeli forces have admitted to shooting at civilians approaching trucks to collect food, although they claim they opened fire after sand create a dangerous situation Due to dozens of people reaching the soldiers deployed in the area. “Many people surrounding the trucks approached the Israeli soldiers who were controlling the security of the trucks’ passage. The crowd approached the soldiers in such a way that they posed a threat to the soldiers, who fired in response. The incident is under investigation” adds the note.

army video

The Israeli army has published on social networks a video of aerial photographs from this morning, in which you can see A crowd is approaching a caravan of trucks., He said in a statement quoted by Israeli media that the General Staff reported that Palestinians were injured by “trampling” by a “violent” mob that was trying to “loot” aid trucks. The lack of humanitarian aid in the enclave in recent days has led to scenes of chaos, tension and fighting as attempts to get some food or water lead to severe malnutrition for thousands of civilians, especially children.

The city remained practically isolated for weeks due to the conflict and affected people flocked to the area following the announcement of the arrival of humanitarian aid. This was the first convoy to arrive in 30 days, after being condemned by the United Nations worsening famine The number of Palestinians has swelled by millions since the war began in early October.

According to Patti officials, this week they Six children died of dehydration and malnutrition Due to shortage of food in the enclave. On Wednesday, two children died in Gaza City’s al-Shifa hospital and four others died in the Kamal Adwan health center in the north of the enclave. Seven others remain in critical condition, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

According to United Nations data, a quarter of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million is on the verge of famine. According to figures from UN Refugee Agency spokesman Jonathan Fowler, before the war, 500 trucks of humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip daily, not counting the entry of regular commercial supplies. After 7 October, the volume of trucks entering reached a peak during the ceasefire, with 300 trucks entering per day. However, humanitarian aid arrivals have declined significantly since November, with 10 trucks entering per day.

Humanitarian organizations have condemned difficulties whom they face to deliver humanitarian aid, due to complications in coordination with the Israeli military, Egypt – which allows aid to enter its border – and clashes. warning of increasing famine Call for immediate international ceasefireIn an effort to halt Israeli advances and allow the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Mediators hope to reach an agreement before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins on March 10, the deadline Israel has given Hamas to launch its offensive in Rafah on the Egyptian border.

There are more than 1.5 million Palestinians displaced by the conflict in the region, whom Israel intends to relocate to other areas of the Strip that it previously considered unsafe. Tel Aviv has assured that it plans to relocate thousands of people, but has not provided details on how it will accomplish this in such a short time. Nearly five months into the war, the Israeli offensive in Gaza has killed more than 30,000 people, two-thirds of them women and children.


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