News, Trump and Biden results in primaries, caucuses and more

What is Super Tuesday in America, who is voted for and what is its importance in elections?

This is an important new phase of the presidential primaries, when the primary contests end and voters in many states go to the polls in primaries scheduled for the same date. It’s called “Super Tuesday” and it’s important, although neither Democratic President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump have to worry about competition this year.

Tuesday’s primaries may provide the last chance for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to make a quick and weak effort to challenge Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.

What happens on Super Tuesday?

Instead of a single primary or caucus, Super Tuesday brings together 15 races for Republicans and 16 races for Democrats spread across the country.

More than a third of Republican representatives and an equally large number of Democratic representatives are ready to contest. Biden is undefeated in this year’s primaries and Trump has lost only one.

In which states voting takes place?

There will be contests on Super Tuesday across a broad swath of the country: red (Republican) states and blue (Democratic) states in the North, South, East and West.

The primaries at stake include the first three states of the alphabet, as any schoolchild should know: Alabama, Alaska (for Republicans) and Arkansas. Additionally, there are California and Colorado; Maine, Massachusetts and Minnesota; North Carolina; oklahoma; Tennessee and Texas; Utah; and Vermont and Virginia.

Tuesday also marks the end of the Democrats’ mail-in presidential preference process in Iowa and the Democratic caucuses in American Samoa.

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