Trump is preparing for his presidency, aware of his victory in the primaries

Donald Trump wants to ignore the primaries and go straight for Joe Biden. The former president passed the Super Tuesday test last night by winning, though the fact that he still had to worry about the primaries is a sure thing.This is a sign of weakness. Trump’s campaign I was confident that internal matters would be resolved at this point.but disturbing persistence Nikki Haley made it impossible,

The main thing is that Trump’s 2024 campaign is very well organized, unlike 2016 and 2020. And one thing his team started doing as soon as the former President presented his candidacy. Change representative attribution system In the Republican primaries.

Trump’s goal was that whoever won the elections in the state would take all the delegates with him. Or that, at least, that rule would apply to whoever got more than 50% of the votes. As has been the case, Trump’s advisers feared The former president was going to be the main candidate And so, it would be to their benefit to create a system that is as least proportional as possible and that favors the winner.

they succeed. But Haley’s unexpected resistance has her not only reaching Super Tuesday without any hope of winning the primary at this point, but on the verge of doing so.

In any case, Trump knows he is going to be the nominee. And you also know that it’s practically certain None of the four criminal cases that they have faced Ended on November 5th, The only exception is the violation of the electoral law, which begins on the 25th of this month. But this is the weakest reason and it is very likely that, if it results in a conviction, the former President’s staunchest ally, the Supreme Court, will declare it invalid.

Thus, Donald Trump’s circle is focusing the day after election victory, The aim is to run the government from January 21. And there the President and his team have things very clear. His plan seems inspired by Viktor OrbanThe President of Hungary, whom Trump welcomed to a private meeting at his Mar-a-Lago residence the day before yesterday, and for whom he has always expressed his admiration.

The strategy has three main points: expulsion of undocumented immigrants, Use of the Justice Department and other government agencies torture your political enemies, particularly to Republicans whom he believes betrayed him in his first term; and takeover of public administration through Replacement Between 30,000 to 50,000 Career Civil Servants for Appointed Posts By the President.

It’s an agenda that could be the first chapter of a book called ‘Introduction to Immigrant Authoritarianism’, because it includes three elements of that ideology: rejection of illegal immigration, elimination of potential political competitors, and use of the judicial system to even the score. use, and capture it through the appointment of loyalists to the state apparatus.

Because career executives are viewed as the internal enemy by the Republican candidate’s party. “The experience of (Trump’s) first presidency made it clear that it is impossible to carry out government action with the ‘deep state’ (a term that includes everything from the CIA to intelligence agencies). Protecting the environment and certainly , the entire diplomatic corps) is waging war on the president,” explains one of the people in charge of the project, who prefers not to give his name.

Of those three legs, politicizing the Justice Department is the simplest. Trump has expressed interest in open investigation Among others, he was Chief of the General Staff when he was President mark met, His Chief of Staff, General also in the White House John F. Kelly, His Attorney General (who, paradoxically, had protected him in the ‘Russian conspiracy’ investigation), bill barr, His former Defense Secretary, mark esper, and his former lawyer, ty cobb,

Even if nothing is achieved from these investigations, Trump can easily use them destroy their image, Let us not forget that the former President is a genius in the art of managing public opinion perceptions. In the famous 2018 call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that cost him his first impeachment, Trump did not ask to open an investigation against Joe Biden but instead announced opening an investigation against the then-House candidate. white.

Six years have passed, Republicans have spent millions of dollars, and there is no evidence that Biden committed any crimes in Ukraine. But an environment of opinion has been created to believe in this.

The Justice Department’s action will go hand in hand transformation of public administration, This is a task that is being undertaken by over 100 organisations, coordinated by the former Republican, and now ‘Trumpist’, think tank the Heritage Foundation, and which also has its own website, Project2025.

Candidates for entry into the state apparatus are examined with a view to filling future vacancies that arise when career officials change positions, something that is easier to do through an executive order that the President can issue at any time. Can.

One of his top advisers, John McEntee, had already justified Esper’s dismissal in 2020 in an official document after the then-defense secretary refused to support a military coup to guarantee Trump’s durability in the White House He alleged that one of the reasons for the dismissal was “the Secretary of Defense’s intention to maintain the armed forces as an instrument unrelated to politics.”

His other great initiative is going to be more complicated: the expulsion of millions of undocumented immigrants, because that would require a massive operation, because More than 12 million people are living in America illegally, But there is no doubt that anti-immigration policy will be significantly tightened. Police forces and possibly the National Guard will also be used to carry out those plans and send a signal of force.

But here, again, other considerations come into play Most American Police is controlled by local authority -which, in the case of cities, are almost unanimously Democratic-, while the National Guard obeys the governors of each state, not the President. That means Legal and political conflict The constants in the lower administrative jurisdictions, and the clash between those like Texas, which have joined Trump’s positions, and others, like California, which are protesting from the front.

The person in charge of implementing this policy will be Steven Miller, an extremist who was the architect of the policy of separating immigrant children from their mothers and whose views are so extreme that his own family publicly denounced him after reminding him of his ancestors. Is formally censored. Came to the United States fleeing anti-Jewish persecution in the Russian Empire.

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