Kristen Stewart plays ‘Mrs. Kanye West’ on the red carpet

Bianca Censori, sors de ce corps! Photos presented at the avant-garde premiere of “Love Lies Bleeding” on Tuesday, March 5, in Los Angeles, ont dû avoir l’impression d’halluciner. Sur le Tapis Rouge, the film’s star Kristen Stewart dressed up all hello in a pose of a simple look at the black body à dos nuer et échancré à l’extreme. Ten times they were furious at the sight of Kanye West’s family naked.

In People magazine, ce justaucorps, que l’actrice arborait avec un blazer black aux with stains worn in a retro briefcase in my pursuit, this is a Chanel creation, the brand is not Kristen – both Sadris. I believe that the Anglo-Saxons unanimously welcome the media. “The choice of artist Kristen Stewart for the premiere reflects the status of an icon of a regime that does not allow one to go beyond boundaries and experiences with style,” écrit ainsi BNN.

More about the rays of superlatives, the tweets are no longer the same: “C’est hot!”, “Perfect”, “Sexy Girl”, “Elle a l’air sensenelle!!!” or the encore “Mon Dieu, ayez pitié de nous” accompanied by a GIF of Leonardo DiCaprio’s scene on the train reprondre son souffle.

On Twitter, the Internet ironically wrote: “This is a direct copy of Bianca Censori’s shadow. Mais bien sûr, comme il s’agit de Kristen, les gens vont se dire: “Oh, mère de Dieu, wouahouh, quelle reine!” etc.”. In fact, Kanye West’s song avait, elle has received a lot of criticism pointing to the sa tenue incident after he appeared in public on February 23rd at Milan Fashion Week, simply seen wearing a black leather bodysuit and a pink chausse de botté . .

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