best time to install a washing machine

He electricity price today, Sunday, April 14, 2024, shows noticeable fluctuations throughout the day. From early morning to late evening, there are price fluctuations that can significantly affect consumers. It is important to pay attention to During some hours electricity is offered for free, while at other times it can cost up to €30.77 per kilowatt-hour (kWh)..

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Lowest prices and electricity tariffs, Sunday, April 14.

Early in the morning and early in the morning, from 3:00 to 9:00, especially advantageous in terms of low prices. At 3:00 the price reaches a low of €1.69 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), followed by €1.51/kWh at 4:00 and €3.25/kWh at 5:00. These prices provide opportunities to carry out energy-consuming activities, such as using home appliances, at relatively low prices.

In addition, there is a noticeable range negative prices from 11:00 to 19:00. While these negative prices do not imply a refund on the electricity bill, they do indicate that the cost of electricity during these hours is negligible. In particular, at 10:00 the price reaches 0 €/kWh and remains there until 19:00, allowing consumers to carry out household activities without worrying about energy costs.

Increase in prices and electricity tariffs, Sunday, April 14.

Unlike minimum price watches, Night hours show the highest electricity prices on Sunday, April 14, 2024.. It’s important to take these price peaks into account to effectively plan your energy consumption and avoid additional costs on your energy bills.

The watch especially stands out from 21:00 to 23:00, when prices reach their peak.. At 22:00 the price reaches 30.77 euros per kilowatt-hour (kWh), and at 23:00 it reaches 19.72 euros/kWh. These higher prices can be attributed to increased demand for energy at certain times of the day, resulting in significantly higher costs for consumers.

What is the best time to turn on your washing machine – Sunday, April 14?

From 10:00 to 19:00, an interval is established where electricity prices are noticeably low and even become negative. This time window provides a rare opportunity to perform energy-intensive household tasks, such as laundry, with little or no energy expenditure.

Hourly electricity prices for Sunday, April 14.

  • 1:00: 5.79 EUR/kWh
  • 2:00: 2.74 EUR/kWh.
  • 3:00: 1.69 EUR/kWh.
  • 4:00: 1.51 EUR/kWh.
  • 5:00: 3.25 EUR/kWh.
  • 6:00: 6.35 EUR/kWh.
  • 7:00: 12.86 EUR/kWh.
  • 8:00: 13 EUR/kWh.
  • 9:00: 5.6 euro/kWh.
  • 10:00: 0 euro/kWh
  • 11:00: -0.53 EUR/kWh
  • 12:00: -0.55 €/kWh
  • 13:00: -0.5 €/kWh
  • 14:00: -0.44 EUR/kWh
  • 15:00: -0.55 €/kWh
  • 16:00: -0.57 EUR/kWh
  • five pm: -0.6 €/kWh
  • 18:00: -0.25 €/kWh
  • 19:00: -0.02 EUR/kWh
  • 20:00: 2.5 euro/kWh.
  • 21:00: 18.41 euro/kWh
  • 22:00: 30.77 euro/kWh
  • 23:00: 19.72 euro/kWh
  • 24:00: 17 euro/kWh

Tips for saving on bills when installing a washing machine

Apart from checking the hourly price of electricity, it is advisable to apply some tricks to save on your electricity bills:

  • Choose short wash cycles.: Select washing programs adapted to the load and degree of soiling of your clothes. Short programs, suitable for less soiled laundry, consume less water and energy.
  • Maximize the efficiency of every charge: Before each wash, make sure the washing machine is completely filled. This reduces the number of washes needed, which will have a positive impact on your energy bills.
  • Use cold water for washing: Using cold water significantly reduces energy consumption, and modern detergents are designed to work effectively at low temperatures. Wash clothes at 30 degrees Celsius or lower.
  • Use highly effective detergents.: These products require less quantity to achieve optimal results, helping to reduce water and energy consumption with each wash.
  • If you have an ability, use energy saving programs: Modern washing machines are equipped with programs designed to minimize energy consumption by reducing water consumption and wash cycle time.
  • Keep your washing machine in optimal condition: A clean, clog-free washing machine ensures higher efficiency and energy savings. It is essential to carry out regular maintenance to avoid wasting energy.

By following these tips and choosing the right time to perform energy-intensive activities such as turning on the washing machine, users can help reduce their energy bills and use energy more efficiently.

*This information was written using ChatGPT and was supervised by an El Nacional journalist before publication.

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