New Romareda | The stadium manager will earn 80 thousand euros per year

Supermanager 80 thousand euros per year for a new RomaredaJaime Galindo

La Nueva Romareda SL is looking for a manager to take over the global coordination of a future field project. This is a figure with full powers on which all management of new urban equipment and operation of tertiary services will be concentrated. Added to this is “searching for new business opportunities”. In short: a supermanager whose annual remuneration, as the newspaper has learned, will be around 80,000 euros gross.


The board of directors of the new company (the city council, the government of Aragon and Real Zaragoza in equal parts) gave the green light on Friday to the process of selecting a future manager, leaving it in the hands of the prestigious consulting firm Michael Page. The person selected will be a “visible decision maker within the company.”although he must be in “direct contact” with those responsible for the company “to monitor contracts, tenders and agreements.”

The profile sought will have operational management of the project and will be responsible for monitoring the work as well as economic management cost and profit report. It will also maintain direct contact with banks and institutions to improve resource allocation.

Candidates must have experience in “comprehensive greenfield project management on large projects.” The requirements, published online by the consulting firm, also include “the ability to work in a team and initiative,” “high communication skills” and residence in the capital of Aragon.

The election of a supermanager appears to be key for a project that has so far had the most visible face of Zaragoza Mayor Natalia Chueca as president of the board of directors. Chueca was responsible for presenting details of the work last Monday. at an event organized in the ancient corridors of La Romareda. The architect in charge, Cesar Ascarate, also gave a speech. To the surprise of many, no one from the club did the same, leaving the culprits in the background.

Between requirements, roles and responsibilities around the search for a new supermanager nothing detailed is related to the installation of a portable field in the Expo’s north parking lot, a parallel project being managed by all parties involved in case the time comes when the team has to move for an extended period of time.

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