what you should take into account

LinkedIn has become one of the largest job search vectors for many people today and, on the other hand, a powerful tool for recruiters and HR managers.

However, like any tool, it has features that are worth knowing about. Did you know that your job application can be automatically rejected before a person even reviews it?

LinkedIn uses automation that, while it simplifies the recruiter screening process, can also lead to the premature rejection of potentially qualified candidates. We tell you how this can be avoided.

The Hidden Feature That Could Be Your Biggest Obstacle

Jerry Lee, founder of Wonsulting and job search specialist, shared on his Instagram profile how LinkedIn, one of the most used platforms, When looking for a job, implement certain automation tools that can make all the difference..

While searching for a videographer in New York City, Lee discovered that although he had not personally rejected any candidates, several of them were automatically flagged as “unsuitable” by LinkedIn’s system.

Automation configurations: a double-edged sword

This happens because LinkedIn’s algorithms use default automation settings that filter candidates based on specific criteria.

Among them we find two main configurations that directly affect the process:

  1. Filter by location: Candidates who do not meet the specified placement criteria are automatically marked as “ineligible”. Interestingly, this mindset cannot be changed, which poses a major challenge for those looking for opportunities in new places.

  2. Question selection criteria: Those candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements specified in the selection matters will be eliminated immediately. However, this parameter can be changed by the recruiter.

How to manage automation in your job search

While these automation tools save recruiters time, they can also unfairly screen out valuable candidates. So what can you do as a job seeker to increase your chances of passing these automatic filters?

Strategies for optimizing your profile and queries

  1. Set up your location: If you’re applying for positions in different regions, consider how your current location might affect your chances. If possible, it would be helpful to provide a local address.

  2. Answer security questions carefully: Make sure you understand and answer the screening questions effectively to meet the necessary criteria to pass the first round of filters.

  3. Optimize your profile with keywords: Align your profile and your resume with keywords and skills that frequently appear in the job descriptions for which you are applying. This is useful not only for bypassing automatic filters, but also for attracting the attention of recruiters.

While automation on LinkedIn and other similar platforms has clear benefits in terms of efficiency, it is also critical that you as a candidate understand and adapt your strategy to this digital environment.

At the end of the day, knowing and using these tools correctly can make the difference between getting rejected prematurely and not getting an interview.

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