“This is not GPT-5 and not a search engine”

The Microsoft-backed company will present advances related to ChatGPT and GPT-4.

We have a meeting with OpenAI next week. Amid rumors of the launch of a search product that could compete with such a consolidated giant as Google, the company artificial intelligence (AI) announced broadcast in which the company will announce some new features of existing products.

During the livestream scheduled for Monday, May 13th at 10:00 am PT (7:00 pm Spanish time), we will see a live demonstration of “some updates” to ChatGPT, one of the most famous chatbots at the moment, and its underlying model. language, GPT-4. There will be no news about GPT-5 or the future search engine.

Some of the OpenAI management reacts to rumors

The announcement, published this Friday, was accompanied by two interesting messages from members of OpenAI’s management team. “This is not gpt-5 or a search engine“, the CEO said Sam Altman Company. However, he added that his team worked hard to create things that people would love.

Greg Brockman, President of OpenAI, also noted that we won’t see a new artificial intelligence model or search engine. Tech company managers don’t always respond to rumors. Either way, we now know what not to expect from next Monday’s broadcast, but we also don’t know for sure what will be featured.

It’s worth noting that while we may not see anything related to the search engine or future language model next week, that doesn’t mean the company backed by billions of dollars from Microsoft cannot work with this type of product. Rumors suggest that GPT-5 could appear as early as this year.

OpenAI is one of the biggest players in the AI ​​industry and is probably responsible for starting the boom we’re experiencing now, but the competition has become fierce. Various companies invest millions of dollars to improve their products. It is on Tuesday, May 14th, that Google I/O will begin, an event that seems to be filled with news about artificial intelligence.

Images | OpenAI

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