“The perception of risk disappears”

Sexually transmitted infections do not stop growing, and in Navarre more than 3 cases are already detected per day: “The sense of risk is being lost”Unai Beroiz

Morbidity sexually transmitted infections (STIs) It doesn’t stop growing from year to year. Lack of use of preventive measures, loss of risk perception, and improved diagnosis in recent years. These are some of the reasons for this rise in STIs, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a phenomenon that occurs at a global level and is observed in Europe, in the state, as well as in Navarra, where more than three cases are currently being detected per day.

These are impressive figures, especially if you put them into perspective: according to the latest data from the Institute of Public and Professional Health of Navarra (ISPLN), In 2023, 1,343 cases of sexually transmitted infections were reported in Navarre, double the number in 2018., before the pandemic, when 644 cases were diagnosed. But the diseases identified last year The number of cases registered in 2016 increased fourfold (316).

This explosive increase in incidence does not have a specific cause, but there are a number of factors that explain this upward trend: although the recording dates back to the early 2000sRight now it’s getting out of control. Ayziber Etxeberria, Program Coordinator for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections, Navarrepoints to three main challenges: declining use of preventive measures, loss of risk perception associated with STIs, and improved detection and diagnosis.

“Everyone can have a relationship with whoever they want and how they want, but always using preventive measures to avoid infection.”

Ayziber Echeberria. HIV Program Coordinator in Navarre

“We see that it is possible Preventive measures have been relaxed, including the use of condoms, both male and female. This is necessary to prevent infections, since it reduces the direct contact surface of mucous membranes, especially in people involved in risky activities, That is, having vaginal, anal or oral sex with more than one person without knowing whether they have any infection. Certainly, Everyone can have a relationship with whoever they want and how they want.but always using preventative measures to avoid infection,” he explains.

But the fact that there are those who do not use a condom during sexual relations is due to a loss of risk perception, which Etxeberria argues yes, that was several decades ago, especially because of HIV.

“I think the fear of contracting a sexually transmitted infection has disappeared a little, it seems like nothing is happening and In public health, we have carried out campaigns to raise awareness of the risks, which can be serious.. “They can cause antibiotic resistance, infertility or mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy,” he says, adding that the rise in STI incidence is also due to improved diagnosis: “Navarre has a very strong early detection program and a lot of testing is done.. Everything is communicated here.”

75%, among those under 34 years of age

Last year, five sexually transmitted infections were reported in Navarre: chlamydia – 840 cases; gonorrhea – 381; syphilis – 61 cases; HIV – 37; and lymphogranuloma venereum – 24 cases.

Most diagnoses were in men (56%), although chlamydia is the most common disease and primarily affects women. However, gonorrhea, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum and HIV Among men they are clearly the majority.

Public Health Data Reported cases of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia are disaggregated by sex and age group. – unlike HIV and lymphogranuloma venereum, the incidence of which is much lower – and it is clear that The young population is the group with the highest incidence.which is logical This is explained by their greater sexual activity..

So, Three out of every four STI cases (75%) in Navarre are diagnosed in people under 34 years of age.. But if the gender variable is combined with the age variable, The highest incidence occurs in the group of women under 25 years of age: 267 STIs were diagnosed., 20% of the total, of which 225 correspond to chlamydia. As age increases, the number of cases decreases significantly: 186 people in the age group 35–44 years; 81 in the 45–54 category; 29 in the range 55-64; and only 2 in people over 65 years of age.


chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis) Among other things, it is the most common sexually transmitted infection in Navarre, sinceThe Foral Community has powerful screening for chlamydia. for all women when they first go for a cytological examination.

Last year There were 840 confirmed cases, an increase of 14% from 2022. Nearly three in five diagnoses (58%) occurred in women and more than half occurred before age 25. Except, Public health has confirmed at least 26 cases of reinfection after treatment of the first episode..


In 2023 381 cases of gonococcal infection (gonorrhea) were registered, which is 38% more than in the previous year. Cases predominated in men (76%), and multiple sites were common, including urethral, ​​anal, and pharyngeal. “The lower incidence among women may be partly explained since gonorrhea is more often subclinical (asymptomatic)“say public health experts, who detail that The age range of the cases was from 17 to 64 years.

There will be no cases of monkeypox in 2023.

Not found last year no cases of monkeypox in Navarre, a disease that led to an international epidemic outbreak in 2022 and affected 22 people in the Foral community.. All cases were identified in men, and transmission was associated with sexual practices between men, with the exception of one case. Age at the time of treatment ranged from 22 to 70 years. two people required hospitalization, and six (27%) also had HIV infection.. After this epidemic Public health carried out vaccination campaign for the highest risk populations, which contributed to the fact that no cases were reported in 2023.


Syphilis was the cause of 61 STIs, whether primary, secondary or early latent.. 90% of cases were detected in men aged 19 to 66 years. 44% are under 35 years old. The report emphasizes that 11 cases were in people who had previous episodes of syphilis.which “keeps in mind that these infections do not leave immunity, so it is important to treat the couple at the same time to avoid re-infection.”

Except, a case of congenital syphilis was identifiedTherefore, experts emphasize the need to exclude this infection during examination during pregnancy.


One infection that remains stable is HIV. 37 new cases were reported in 2023, consistent with previous years. Seven cases consistent with the diagnosis of AIDS were identified, indicating a very late detection of infection.

Of the 37 cases, 30 (81%) were male, 35% were born in Spain, and the age range was 3 to 56 years.. Similarly, Public Health reports that 17 cases (46%) had a history of sexual intercourse between men.

Lymphogranuloma venereum

In 2023, 24 cases of lymphogranuloma venereum were confirmed.continuing the growing trend of recent years. All cases occurred in men aged 22 to 74 years. and one person had more than one episode per year, “indicating the possibility of reinfection.”

Experts note in the report that “in all cases it was determined that these were men who had sex with men.” “The most common site was the rectum, so this infection should be suspected in men with proctitis. Since asymptomatic carriers are common, it is necessary to exclude infection through sexual contacts of sick people,” they note.

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