This is the most dangerous object on Earth that can kill you just by looking at it.

It’s so dangerous that it can kill you just by looking at it. You must be very careful. We’re talking about something that, if you spend five minutes on it, can end your life in just two days. It was named as ‘Elephant’s foot’. This is the most dangerous object on the entire planet. Formed from melted nuclear reactor core Chernobyl is a piece frozen lava two meters wide.

Because of its name, it was called “Elephant’s Foot”. aspect. Release very intense radiation and there are few photographs of him. Nearly 40 years after a horrific nuclear accident, entering the area where this deadly facility is located could prove deadly. Scientists predict that this threat could persist for centuries. It all happened when in April 1986 The reactor became so hot that the steel and concrete used to protect the core melted, creating radioactive lava.

When it began to make its way through the pipes, Reactor 4, the material absorbed more components and changed until it became a mixture of radioactive chemicals. The mixture of sand, concrete and nuclear fuel cooled, hardened and formed a material called chorio. A mass of corium fell into the steam corridor below the reactor, and the Elephant’s Foot was born. In 1986, this object emitted 10,000 roentgens, which is about The dose is 1000 times higher than needed to cause cancer.

Spending an hour at this level of radiation is the same as getting four and a half million chest x-rays. Two minutes before the Elephant Foot, the cells begin to bleed. After four minutes, vomiting, diarrhea and fever will occur. If you spend five minutes, you could die in two days. About 10 years after the disaster US Department of Energy, who exhaustively documented Chernobyl, managed to obtain several photographs of the “Elephant’s Foot”.

Tragic Chernobyl accident

Accident Chernobyl1– a nuclear accident that occurred on Saturday, April 26, 1986, in Nuclear power plant named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. in the north of Ukraine. At that time it belonged to the Soviet Union. Counts the worst nuclear accident in history, and together with the Fukushima-1 nuclear accident in Japan in 2011 as the most serious nuclear accident on the international scale.

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