Cabuenes Hospital launches less invasive treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia

The University Hospital of Cabuenes has introduced a new minimally invasive, safe and effective treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia, a pathology that causes abnormal enlargement of the organ and obstructs the passage of urine. Communication between services The Department of Vascular Surgery and Urology allowed two patients to be treated with this new system with very good results.

This is a method of embolizing or blocking the prostate artery that supplies the gland with very small microspheres. This reduces blood flow to the prostate, reducing its size and making it easier to release urine.

This is an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia under the guidance of a team of interventional radiologists. Medical personnel selectively cut off the blood supply to the prostate through the femoral or radial arteries. This is an important advantage because there is no need to manipulate the urinary tract or place a urinary catheter in the patient.

The first two patients treated in Cabuenes with this new system are doing well, and one of them has already had the tube removed.

Surgical treatment of this pathology is offered as an alternative to pharmacological treatment. Recommended operations are transurethral resection of the prostate (removal of part of this organ) and enucleation of the prostate with a holmium laser (removal of a tumor using laser technology).

In recent years, to avoid complications, various alternatives have emerged using less invasive methods such as prostate artery embolization. This method was approved in 2018 by the prestigious British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and subsequently endorsed by the European Urology Guidelines. Until recently, it was carried out only in large centers of the country, since it requires an interdisciplinary approach and cooperation between different services.

To take advantage of the close collaboration between urology and vascular surgery services, Cabuenes intends to create a program that will offer this therapeutic option to patients in Health V on a regulated basis after evaluation and selection.

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