An incredible infusion with calcium and magnesium that improves digestion, prevents insomnia and reduces discomfort.

The plant world is the basis of many medicines, since plants contain active principles that pharmacology is responsible for processing, and doctors are responsible for prescribing.

If you want avoid insomnia and digestive discomfortthere’s a lot there infusions this may help you. But it is important to know which ones, because not all of them are the same.

Some are stimulants, such as black tea. Take black tea at night is not convenient. Other infusions have a calming effect and are the best option if you want to sleep well. They are recommended to be taken at night rather than during the day because if you are going to drive a car or operate dangerous machinery, they can cause accidents due to drowsiness or excessive muscle relaxation.

Today we will talk about an infusion that has a beautiful color, floral aroma and a relaxing effect. He red hibiscus tea or Jamaican waterwhich is commonly prescribed as a tranquilizer to calm anxiety, nervousness and stress, and to induce sleep.

What does hibiscus tea do?

Dried hibiscus petals are sold in health food stores.  Essential oils and infusions are prepared from them.  Photo: Clarin.Dried hibiscus petals are sold in health food stores. Essential oils and infusions are prepared from them. Photo: Clarin.

Hibiscus is also known as Chinese rose, its flower is rich in organic acids that are beneficial to health. The dried petals, which are sold in herbal stores, are used to make essential oils and infusions.

Place Body Mind highlights his contribution to vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. Hibiscus helps thin blood fats (cholesterol and triglycerides) and speed up digestion and metabolism rapid burning of incoming fat. This counts mild laxative which helps cleanse the colon and has an anti-inflammatory effect as it stretches the intestinal muscles and prevents the formation of gas.

More digestive benefits? Fights heartburn, stomach cramps, gastroenteritis, poisoning and food allergies. it’s the same detoxification at the level of the liver and kidneys, and for all these reasons it is considered a good remedy for losing weight and maintaining a flat stomach. Digital portal Woman today focuses on his diuretic function (in many cases, excess weight is due to fluid retention).

Making hibiscus infusion is very simple.  You can also drink it cold, with ice.  Photo: Clarin.Making hibiscus infusion is very simple. You can also drink it cold, with ice. Photo: Clarin.

National Library of Medicineofficial publication US National Institutes of Health, distributed in the article more properties of the red hibiscus calyx and assures that it is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular, respiratory, kidney diseases, diabetes and cancer. Additionally, it reduces blood pressure, blood sugar levels and body fat. Is antioxidant, antianemic and anti-inflammatory. And it must be taken into account that the contribution of calcium and magnesium benefits the skeletal system and prevents osteoporosis.

How to make hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is very simple Prepare. Boil a liter of water and remove from heat. Immediately add 3 tablespoons dried hibiscus petals and 5 teaspoons sugar or sweetener. Cover and let sit for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink hot or cold (with ice).

You can add lime or lemon juice. It can also be flavored with cinnamon powder, grated ginger and/or dried chamomile. Recommended to drink after dinner and no more than two cups per day.

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