War between Israel and Gaza, live | The House of Representatives approves bill to force Biden to send weapons to Israel. international

House passes bill to force Biden to send arms to Israel

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives sent a punishing message to President Joe Biden regarding Israel this Thursday. By a vote of 224 to 187, they gave the green light to a bill requiring the White House to provide military assistance to an ally, which Congress approved last week, to block the government’s shipment of bombs. A week later, more Democrats would threaten to suspend arms transfers if Israel launches a “major” offensive against the city of Rafah. A total of 16 Democrats joined the majority of the Republican bench in voting in favor of the measure, an indication of the internal divisions that exist in the party over government, the mere possibility of crippling arms shipments, while the progressive wing demands that this aid should be based on respect for international humanitarian law, other pro-Israel democratic legislators demand that it not be blocked, arguing that doing so would harm an ally’s security and benefit the radical Palestinian militia Hamas .

Three Republican congressmen, along with the Democratic majority, also voted against the bill. The opposition party believes the White House should not impose conditions on Israel over how it uses American weapons, which are essential to the ally in the ongoing war in Gaza. “We are extremely disappointed,” said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. I don’t think we should be telling the Israelis how to counter their military campaign.

Senate Democratic majority leader Charles Schumer has already indicated he will not put the bill up for a vote in his chamber. Biden has also said that, if both houses of Congress approved it, he would veto it, so it would never become law.

The White House says it has stopped a shipment of the bombs out of fear that they would be used in Rafah, where they could cause genocide given the sheer population density of 1.3 million Palestinians, most of whom are from other areas of Gaza. Coming back from war. But he also confirmed that arms supplies would continue and that the $26 billion approved three weeks ago was not in danger. This week, the government in Washington began the official process for the transfer of nearly a billion dollars of military equipment, including tactical vehicles, mortar rounds and tank ammunition.


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