OpenAI can change ChatGPT voice next to Scarlett Johansson’s cell phone

Internauts were impressed by the case of a famous Hollywood actress. OpenAI, the company that launched ChatGPT, announced Monday that developers are modifying the numeric voice prompt for users.

In an article posted on the blog, the company assured that the voice of “Sky”, which interacted with the Internet by voice, was developed based on the voice of various actresses, in particular Scarlett Johansson. “We believe that the voices of the IA are not devraient pas volontairement imitate Celle de Célébrités. “La voix de Sky is an imitation of Scarlett Johansson’s cage,” OpenAI is confident in its article.

OpenAI’s remedy is to suspend Sky to put the enterprise on the books.” L’entreprise a détailllé la manière dont elle a travaillé, avec des professional actors de la voix, afin de créer plusieurs voix numeriques, qu’elle appelées Breeze, Cove, Ember, Juniper et, donc, Sky.

Scarlett Johansson performed l’IA in “Her”

The similarity to the voice of the American actress is a fait accompli plus the work on social networks, which are accurate lately, but do not compete with the artificial intelligence (IA) of the film “Her”, not the creators of ChatGPT n’ it does not cache the mastermind.

This announcement intervenes in some days after the discovery of OpenAI and announces a refusal to ensure that the mission is not associated with the dangers of events over a long period of time in intelligent mode. This was announced by the co-founders of the company Ilya Sutskever, as well as team manager Jan Leike. “OpenAI must become a company that puts overall AI safety above all other considerations,” wrote Jan Leike on X.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, in response to a message from Jan Leike, expresses regret about his departure, adding that “reason, our devons faire plus, c’est notre objectif” and promising des annonces sur I sujet it during prochain days.

L’Entreprise is a new version of our product, with GPT-4o, additional features and amenities that are there plus human services, free rental for all users. “In the future, you will use the program encore plus d’options car nous comptons ajouter des voix à ChatGPT for my response to diver requests and additional user preferences,” OpenAI says in a blog post.

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