Rishi Sunak surprised by calling early elections in the United Kingdom on 4 July

British Prime Minister, rishi sunakhas called this wednesday Early elections in the United Kingdom on 4 July. It is an expected decision that has been rumored throughout the day, but has gained momentum after Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced his withdrawal from a visit to Albania. In his announcement, the President drew on the recent decline in inflation to defend his economic policy in the event of an election in which Labor is the favorite to snatch power from him.

,Now is the time for the United Kingdom to decide its future“, Sunak said in an appearance in the rain by the door of his official residence in Downing Street, just before announcing that he had already asked King Charles III to dissolve the courts and call an election on July 4. Parliament Will be suspended on Friday, as reported by the Prime Minister’s Office after his appearance.

Sunak had already anticipated this Elections will be held in the second half of the year, something which the Congress also emphasized on Wednesday. “alert pervert“There are going to be general elections in the second half of this year,” the president told lawmakers, without giving any indication of a date, which was announced a few hours later.

“These are uncertain times that require a clear plan and strong action to secure a future (…) and In these elections you have to choose who has that planThe president said there are “those who are ready to lead this action and ensure a better future for our country and our children.” While he can’t confirm that he has done “everything right,” his party has a plan and is ready to “take the bold steps necessary for our country to prosper.”

The Prime Minister has defended his actions, saying he is willing to do what is necessary for the country and “not what is easy”. “Can’t say the same about labor.” Because “I don’t know what they offer and I don’t think you do either.”

Labor leaders see ‘opportunity for change’

The leader of the opposition Labor Party has assured that July’s elections will give the country an opportunity to end the “chaos” of a capricious executive and that they represent an “opportunity for change”. Starmer said, “A vote for Labor is a vote for economic and political stability (…), a vote to stop the chaos.”

labor has something 20 points ahead in the survey And is expected to return to power in the United Kingdom after 14 years of Conservative leadership. According to polls, the opposition party has 44% voting intention, while the conservatives have 23%.

“We have a fully organized and operational campaign ready to go and we believe the country is screaming for a general election,” a spokesman for the Labor leader announced ahead of the announcement in a statement reported by Reuters “

Sunak was forced to call an election Before January 28, the day on which the legislature ends, although he could do so whenever he wished. So, after inflation fell to 2.3% in April, Conservative leaders have been able to argue that they have righted the British economy, which is one of their government’s priorities.

,Inflation is back where it should be“, said the Prime Minister this Wednesday, before his announcement, in a publication on “This morning it was confirmed that inflation has returned to normal”.

Sunak came to power last October, after weeks of instability that ended with the resignation of Liz Truss on September 9, less than 44 days after taking office. Upon arrival, kept the economy as its main priority and warned about the “flaws” of his predecessor’s economic project, which had caused significant chaos in the country’s financial markets.

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