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ERC candidate for 9-J Riba: “If Puigdemont agrees to his presidency with the PSC, we will not block it”

The ARA Republic coalition – which brings together the ERC, EH Bildu, the Galician Nationalist Bloc and ARA Más – has started its campaign for the European elections in Badalona (Barcelona). Diana Riba, head of the list, has taken advantage of the vote in the permanent deputation of a decree law on the control of seasonal housing rentals to attack the PSC and Juntas. Both parties ask Republicans for their support for the appointment of a future President of the Generalitat. Riba has asked, “If (Carles) Puigdemont agrees to the presidency with the PSC, we will not stop it, but they will come to an agreement.”

The Junts voted against the decree and the PSC was absent, which meant that the recognition did not go ahead. In ERC, he believes that both parties are already trying to end their legacy in government. “We are already seeing socialization. We will see that they will fight in rallies, they will talk to us about rights and freedoms, but when it comes to voting in the European Parliament they agree with the speeches of the reactionary National,” assured the deputy in front of about 200 people, some of them displaying flags Senyara, ikurrinas And estreliras,

At number five on the list, Oihana Etxebarriata (EH Bildu) defends that saw republics are “the only break against the extreme right” and guarantee a Europe “where great courts cannot repress the nations they contain. and cannot deprive them of their opportunity “to decide their future.”

Olga Castro participated in the BNG, highlighting the unity of action with Catalonia and the Basque Country. “In Galicia we know that this is a predatory European model,” said the former candidate, reaffirming “the need to have our voice to defend our interests and rights in Europe”:

Tomas Molina, an independent candidate proposed by the ERC at number four on the list, has emerged as the candidate who is the least controversial. The former TV-3 meteorologist assures that he has connections with the Director of Catalan Television, Siegfried Grass, to “take TV3 to Eurovision” and with the President of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation to “promote Catalan on the platform”. There are “agreements”.

The ERC campaign arrived amid an internal storm over leadership. Oriol Junqueras, who intends to remain in the leadership after the November congress, attended the rally. He chairman Pere Aragonès, in office, sits in the front row. He is still the national coordinator of training, but after the defeat of 12-M he announced that he was leaving the front line of politics.

(Tags to translate)Spain(T)Government of Spain(T)Political legislature(T)European elections(T)Political coalitions(T)Political parties(T)Politics(T)Congress of Deputies(T)Senate(T) Alberto Nunez Feijoo

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