Trump solidifies his position as election favorite with Nikki Haley’s endorsement

The former president assured that his rivals in the primaries will “be present in some way” on his team, as has already happened during his first term.

Pragmatism or skepticism? As Donald Trump maintains his lead – minimal, but immovable – over Joe Biden and the election draws closer never blows the trumpet —that is, the Republicans who opposed the former president’s return to politics—are dropping in the sack, one by one Trumpism,

The last woman to do so has also been one of the most important figures in that movement: Nikki Haley, Trump’s rival for the Republican nomination in the primaries, where, Although he had no chance of winningHe managed to drive his rival out of his mind, which earned him, in his style, a nickname that quickly took hold in public opinion: “Cabeza de Chorlito.”

Haley announced her vote for Trump on Thursday, though she has not asked her followers to support him. their surrender was agreed to. Shortly after, Trump responded by saying that the former cabinet member, since Haley was the US ambassador to the United Nations, would be on his team “in some way.” So the former candidate has decided that, more than the Numantine resistance, what was best for him was a negotiated surrender. Peace for a charge,

Haley’s Conversion Trumpism The clear reading is: former candidate, former governor of South Carolina and former ambassador United Nations this is a top political animalAnd his intuition tells him there is no future outside of Trump’s umbrella Republican Party.which, in turn, is excellent news for the former president.

Had Trump clearly and unequivocally lost the election, Haley would have been in a prime position to tell the Republican Party: “I told you so. We were not going to win with this candidate.” That would have catapulted her to the front lines of American politics and made her president in 2028.

But that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. This has led Haley to make another calculation with two options. If Trump loses, it will be difficult and, besides, practically all Republican leaders will not accept defeat, which opens the door for another. Constitutional crisisperhaps with violence after the election. In that context, Haley does not want to become a scapegoat if Trump loses. And if Trump wins the election, she can take office.

Previous attacks

This does not mean that the decision is a Cynical political calculation. Because it’s not that Haley thought Donald Trump was unfit to be president of the United States, but that she thought he was unfit to even have a driver’s license. And that’s not literary license. On February 12, the former governor of South Carolina, former US ambassador to the United Nations (appointed by Trump) and then the former president’s only opponent in the primaries said so.

She also had other things to say against her opponent, including that “everything he’s said or put on television is a lie” and that Trump is “out of control.” To make matters worse, when Haley canceled her campaign, she did not seek votes for Trump, which meant the former president would have to work with the 20% of Republicans who voted for him and without their support. He could not return to the White House.Now, all that has been forgotten in exchange for a position or at least a future in politics.


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