This way you can prepare your skin for summer and avoid blemishes on your face.

If you want to prevent your skin from being damaged by the sun’s rays in the summer, it is advisable to prepare it at this time of year. dermatologists emphasize the importance of using sunscreen factor 50+ at all times the basic protection that will help to avoid spots on the skin and other problems.

Heat also directly affects the condition of the skin, so this season it is advisable to step up your facial care. And to skin looks healthy and healthy No need to spend hours using it Cosmetic productsjust choose the ones that fit.

How to avoid skin spots in summer

To enjoy summer and the sun at this time of year, there is nothing better than getting best skin care products for face. Every person should use the products that are best for their skin type, so it is advisable to consult dermatologists to advise us which ones are best for us.

Dermatologists explain how to prepare your skin for summer
Dermatologists explain how to prepare your skin for summer

In any case, experts say that sunscreen It is your best ally in skin care before, during and after summer. Dr. Guillermo Llopis from the Ferraro Medico-Aesthetic Clinic states that “In summer you need to pay more attention to your skin.“. However, it is very important to keep it in good condition throughout the rest of the year if we want to avoid a terrible disaster. spots and peeling in summer time.

Except morning and evening cleaning This is very important as the skin needs to be cared for by removing the day’s dirt, sweat and of course everything we put on during the day.

How to prepare your skin in summer

On the other side, skin hydration This is also important if we want to prevent blemishes and other skin diseases. Dermatologists advise applying moisturizers and other hydrating products daily, morning and evening, to both your face and body.

As we said, also use a good sunscreen with a protection factor of 30 or more. Ideal for healthy skin. Experts recommend reapplying it throughout the day, which is especially important in the summer.

exposure to sunlight ages the skin premature. Skin damage caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight is known as photoaging. Thus, if you want to avoid acne and other skin problems, it is recommended to take regular facial care, especially during the summer.

Among the recommendations from dermatological experts for preventing sun damage to the skin we find the use of sun protection, a good application of sunscreen, applying it half an hour before sun exposure and not exposing yourself to the sun’s rays for several hours. He premature skin aging This can cause blemishes, wrinkles, fine lines, a sallow complexion, and a rough, leathery skin texture.

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