They will learn how a common herb in Spain can help fight Alzheimer’s disease.

According to the World Health Organization, dementia affects more than 55 million people worldwide. World Health Organization (WHO). It is a term covering several diseases that involve impairment of the ability to function in daily life, memory, or thinking.

Among all these diseases is Alzheimer’s disease. There are many studies that are trying to fix this, or at least relieve symptoms as much as possible, or with a quick arrest. One of the latest messages was picked up by the Greek media. Alphabet.

This is a study carried out at CIMA (Centre for Applied Medical Research). from the University of Navarra. They concluded that inhaling menthol resulted in an “improvement” in people’s cognitive abilities.

Scientists have found that menthol “has properties capable of modulating the immune system” and that “after prolonged exposure over time may prevent the cognitive decline typical of this neurodegenerative disease.“, noted on the CIMA website.

To reach this conclusion, they analyzed this mechanism. And with him, could see that “the smell of this aroma reduces the level of a key protein in mediating inflammatory response, interleukin-1-beta (IL-1β).

They experimented on mice and, “by inhibiting this protein with a drug approved for the treatment of certain autoimmune diseases, They were also able to improve the cognitive abilities of these animals..

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