“One minute a month for skin care”

Health prevention and early diagnosis are the key to curing skin cancer. This is what experts are highlighting on World Melanoma Day, which is celebrated on May 23, to remind people of the importance of skin care. Dr. Yolanda Gilaberte, head of the dermatology service at the Miguel Servet University Hospital in Zaragoza and president of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology, insists on this idea: “The best way to fight skin cancer is prevention.” Gilaberté explains that prevention must be primary (using sunscreen and avoiding the sun during the middle of the day, among other measures) and secondary, “which in our case consists of self-examination.” “That is,” he explains, “one minute a month, during which each person examines his skin a little and sees if he has a new lesion that worries him, or something that has changed significantly that is worth consulting.” .

When it comes to prevention, Dr. Gilaberté adds the importance of promoting healthy habits among young people. “Aragon is one of the few autonomous communities that has very strong programs in this regard,” he comments.

School programs

One such program is called My skin and addresses skin care-related issues that concern or affect adolescents in their secondary education. Mercedes Febrel, director of planning, determinants and health promotion at the General Directorate of Public Health of the Government of Aragon, emphasizes that the goals of this program are to “value the skin as an organ that allows us to communicate with the outside world.” , feel and perceive emotions; inform and educate about skin care, promote a healthy lifestyle to enjoy healthy skin; Raise awareness of some risk practices that cause injuries or skin diseases and publish the project in your immediate environment, involving as many agents as possible (health centers, city councils, the rest of the community…).

This initiative, a pioneer in our country, involved 46 secondary education centers in Aragon. In addition to preventing skin cancer in adulthood, this program discusses other topics of interest to this age group, such as body image; care and interest in aesthetics; They are offered information about what acne is, as well as about tattoos and piercings. It is amazing that eight such centers after training under the program My skinasked for additional sessions to enhance training for students and teachers on all these issues.

Two other programs are offered annually, SolSano and Convive con el Sol, which are aimed at primary school students and the course has been launched in 62 schools in Aragon.

SolSano is intended for primary school students in grades 1, 2 and 5 and contains materials on skin cancer prevention; photoprotection in childhood; skin and skin care; ultraviolet radiation and the ozone layer, as well as the environment and sun protection.

The Covive with the Sun course is designed for primary school students in Years 4, 5 and 6 and covers key knowledge and skills in photoprotection and healthy eating.

Diagnosis of melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. Its importance is due not only to its frequency, but also to the rapid growth that has occurred since the 1950s in developed countries. In 2023, 8,049 new cases were diagnosed in Spain, with an incidence rate of 13 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year in men and 12 in women. All this amounts to 2.5% of the total number of detected cancers.

As for the incidence by age, cases are registered in almost everyone, although the majority are diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 70 years. Ana Claveria, director of prevention and public health programs of the Aragon government, explains that “as summer approaches and time spent outdoors increases, it is necessary to remember basic preventive measures.” “To avoid melanoma,” he emphasizes, “you need to be exposed to the sun responsibly, avoiding mid-day exposure (12–4 pm) and using appropriate protective measures. In terms of self-protection measures, it is important to protect yourself with T-shirts, hats and sunglasses, choose an appropriate sunscreen, preferably +50, and apply it 30 minutes before exposure and every 2 or 3 hours.”

In any case, sun exposure should always be limited to children under 3 years of age, and elderly people and pregnant women should exercise caution.

Finally, to identify signs of melanoma, it is advisable to follow the rule A B C D E moles: TOsymmetry, birregular orders, Withvaried smell dwith a diameter of more than 6 mm and ANDevolution with changes in appearance, size or color. In case of any suspicion, it is important to consult with medical professionals for evaluation.

Source: Government of Aragon.

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