Check out the list of jobs most impacted by artificial intelligence

Many professions will use AI, although in some cases it will only be used for everyday tasks. (Illustrative image)

Artificial intelligence has transformed the job market in recent years, changing the way many jobs are performed and what their stability will be in the future. This technology is designed to automate routine tasks, streamline processes and improve efficiency across a variety of industries, making a major impact on many workplaces.

In a report by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture entitled “Tomorrow’s Work: Great Language Models and Workplaces” It assessed how AI will affect different professions and sectors of the economy.

This study analyzed more than 19,000 job tasks in 867 different professions.offers detailed analysis of which professions are likely to see the most changes due to the adoption of AI.

Many professions will use AI, although in some cases it will only be used for everyday tasks. (Information)

The information technology and finance sectors appear to be the most receptive to AI-based automation. In the IT sector, it is estimated that 73% of tasks could be highly automated and only 1% of tasks are likely to remain unchanged by AI.

This includes functions such as software quality and customer support, where language models can play a critical role in improving efficiency and responsiveness.

On the other hand, the financial sector faces a similar panorama: 70% of tasks rely heavily on AI. excels in areas such as accounting, auditing and financial reporting management.

This automation promises to improve the accuracy and speed of processes and free up talent for higher value-added tasks that require unique human skills. such as strategic decision making and personalized advice.

Many professions will use AI, although in some cases it will only be used for everyday tasks. (Illustrative image)

Other sectors such as sales, operations and human resources will also see significant changes thanks to AI. For example, In sales, this could have a major impact on 67% of tasks, potentially transforming the way we manage customer relationships and make sales.

Similarly, in operations, 65% of tasks have a high likelihood of automation, which can optimize inventory management and logistics.

In human resources, the report shows that 57% of tasks can be automated, including functions such as payroll management and initial candidate screening.

While AI can make these processes more efficient, Human intervention will continue to be critical to the more complex aspects of human resource management.such as conflict resolution and talent development.

Many professions will use AI, although in some cases it will only be used for everyday tasks. (Illustrative image)

There are industries where the impact of AI will be less pronounced. For example, in supply chain and manufacturing, although 43% of processes can be automated, It is expected that 39% of tasks will still require human intervention due to the complexity and variability inherent in these operations.

This includes activities such as inventory management and logistics coordination, where strategic decisions and adaptation to unexpected changes are required.

In the legal sector, there is another notable example: the impact of AI is significant, but not absolute. Approximately 46% of tasks can be automated, such as reviewing legal documents and standard contracts. but 50% of the problems will still require human interpretation and legal solution in more complex and specific cases.

Examples that show that while task automation will cover a wide range of traditional jobs and functions, the introduction of AI is also opening up new job opportunities. such as creating more specific roles and allowing workers to have more time to perform tasks that require creativity, reasoning and people skills.

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