these secret meanings derrière chacun de ses tatouages!

What are the different meanings behind Rihanna’s tattoo names?

With more than just tattoos, Rihanna comes across as a true Aiguille-esque drug addict. Moreover, what is the significance of the singer’s tattoos? MCE TV vous révèle advertises from A to Z!

Rihanna: definite success

It’s impossible to get past Rihanna. That is why, after several years, the singer became popular. And so on, four planet coins. Hey yeah!

Aujourd’hui, Rihanna s’impose donc comme real star. Et le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que They succeeded before the essuffler..

Pour some preuve, December, AntiBarbadienne sorti’s last studio album, 2016, on été I certified Triple Platinum Record in France..

D’Hylers, Rihanna Album of the future: Travaille d’arrache-pied sur son, which takes a little time to see the day. In fact, as more times pass, the merger indices and backstage noises of the author of the departure period are taken from more names. Pour le plus grand bonheur de ses, fans!

By visiting Rihanna’s album sortie du prochain, we will give you the opportunity to discover peu plus sur la chanteuse, notamment sur ses tatouages. MCE TV vous en dit plus!

Three meaningful tattoos

It’s no secret to the person Rihanna is a big fan of tattoos. Aujourd’hui, ce sont plus de indelible drawings which contained the singer’s body.

The shak tattoo is the most symbolic symbol of Rihanna, as the first premiere, the musical note Sur La Cheville, realized in 2006. in honor of his premiere in the world of music. Hey yeah!

In retaliation, some of Rihanna’s tattoos are on one meaning bien plus profonde: this relationship is the same..

In 2009, the singer got a tattoo of a sous l’aissel droite revolver. If this latest descent solidifies your title, it will be a success. Russian roulettethis tattoo is in high demand her relationship with Chris Brown, the theme of violence.

And that’s not it. You requin encre dans la cheville de Rihanna This is a tattoo done by a young woman. together with rapper Drake. Now this time you will get a beautiful heart poisson.

Beyond the traces of this former relationship, Rihanna becomes more serious than her prized Sanskrit footage, like a person who gets a Sanskrit tattoo, situé sur sa hanche et significant “Forgiveness, honor, pretense and control”. For rappelling, Sanskrit is correct and very Hindu.

À l’instar de ce dernier, Quotes from Nombrey on Rihanna’s skin tattoostel que “Never a failure, always a lesson”, which means “Jamais un échec, toujours une leçon”, or encore “Al Hurria fi Al Masseh”, which means “La liberté en Dieu”. It’s no secret to the person, Rihanna is a very beautiful woman.

Well, the rest of the tattoos adorned Rihanna’s skin, all the meanings of the others are also significant. Or, in these last days, se cacent tout de même quelques petites folies, dessinées pour le fun!

Photo credit:
Splash News/ABACA