Kroos: “It doesn’t matter to find another Kroos, just keep winning”

“He Madrid He always managed to put together a winning team, and in football you have to adapt to the players you have. Of course, one day he will have to play without Kroos or Modric; but just like he had to do it without Cristiano, Ramos… everyone. Madrid persists, continues to win. And this will happen next season. and the next one“analyzes Kroosinto the microphone Sparon occasion Media Day. “Giving up was never a 100% solution, I always had doubts, but I feel good and very happy,” he adds. He confirms that he plans to open a football academy in Madrid and create a league in Germany.. About him tribute Bernabeu: “I enjoyed it from arrival to shower; I’ll never forget it, I can’t ask for more

Kroos says goodbye to the Bernabeu last Saturday.JESUS ​​ALVAREZ ORIHUELADiarioAS


-How are you?

-Very good, very good.

“Thinking about Dortmund?

-Transparent! From today we start preparing for the game, which is the last and most important, so… you can imagine we are really looking forward to it.

“How do you feel when you say and hear that this will be your “last game”?

-The truth is that I don’t think much of myself. This is the most important game for the whole team and we want to finish it well. And it’s true that this is my last match at Real Madrid, yes, but then I play the Eurocup with Germany, so I don’t have the feeling that it will end on Saturday.

“Ancelotti identified him as a “German” and said that he had a lot of “balls.” When is the decision made?

“Months of reflection passed, during which sometimes I thought about continuing for another year, and sometimes other times, that it was all over. Around April I already had the feeling that everything was going so well, the League had been won and promotion to the Champions League, that it would be difficult to finish better. And that I’m playing better. And knowing that the Eurocup will take place in the summer… well, but I admit that it was never a 100% decision, I always had doubts, but I feel good and very happy. I took it and once I did it, it is very difficult to change it.

— Are you afraid that you might regret it? Look, Modric…

-No. These are different cases, two different mentalities of how to finish. Luca continues to enjoy it and that’s what I’ve always wanted, to leave it at a very good point on a good level, feeling that my body is still working very well because I hope I have many more years of life left… and I’m leaving. without physical problems, very happy to think that I have reached this level at 34 years old. Maybe I could maintain it at 35 or 36…

“But I couldn’t bear to play a less leading role…

“I always wanted to be healthy, to play, to be important. I feel good now and feel like it’s the perfect time.

Kroos with children on the day of farewell to the Bernabeu.JESUS ​​ALVAREZ ORIHUELALIKE A DIARY

He has already forgotten everything about the weekend? Or is it difficult?

“No, I will never forget this and I don’t want to, but…

– Did you expect this?

“I didn’t expect anything.” I just wanted to enjoy the day, no matter what was going to happen. But it was something special, exciting. I enjoyed it from arrival to shower. I’ll never forget it… but I’ll try to do it at least this week.

“Very few farewells like yours have been seen at Real Madrid… Have you ever thought about how many legends would want such a farewell?

“Probably that’s it.” It was very nice. The fans, colleagues… everyone gave me an amazing day. I can’t ask for more.

-Why do you think this was?

“You’ll have to ask people about that!” I always tried to be honest… and I said both that I have a very good relationship with the club and that I want to stay here. I think people believed me, my word; He felt he could do it. Pass this on to a fan who can trust…

“Yes, you are a man of your word…

―You already know that it has always been difficult for me to talk about myself (laughter). I prefer that my colleagues and fans do this because they know me too. I don’t know, maybe this scenario from last Saturday doesn’t need many words.

— Did your daughter say anything to you?

“It was very exciting for them too. They knew why they shouted at me so much, why they put this photo of me in the stands, but, of course, to experience this at that age is very impressive. I was very surprised because my daughter was the happiest when I said I was going to leave him; There was a bit of a struggle with my son because I wanted him to continue. And so I was surprised to see her tears… but there are a lot of emotions. It was a gift for them to experience something like this. This will remain for the rest of your life… and mine.

“My daughter was the happiest when I said I was going to quit smoking… and then she cried.”

Kroos with El Larguero

-Who will you miss the most?

-A few things. First of all, people. The ones you live with every day. Physiotherapists, doctors, props… we are all a team and of course there are many colleagues with whom I have worked for many years, such as Luca, Lucas Vazquez or Nacho, who already know each other very well. Well, of course, I will miss the game too, because I always liked it. In football, if you succeed, you will go to Real Madrid, and although there are “things” that you will have to deal with, what I have always loved the most about the game is football. And I’ll miss it.

―Álvaro Benito called it a “slump” when he announced his farewell because there is no player with his characteristics. Eat?

“But it’s not important to find him, it’s important that Madrid continues to win.” This club has always been very good at putting together a winning team, and in football you have to adapt to the players you have. Of course, one day this team will have to play without Kroos or Modric; but just like he had to do it without Cristiano, Ramos… everyone. Madrid persists, continues to win. And this will happen next season. And the next one. It’s about adaptation. You must have an idea of ​​how you want to win, and even if the path changes, the main thing is to continue to win.

“This Monday the list of the Spanish national team was announced: Nacho is there, but Lucas Vazquez is not. What do you think?

“Well, that’s not my topic.

– But are you surprised?

-The truth is that I have not seen the list and have no information about who can go and who cannot. Starting next Tuesday, I only think about Germany. Not in Spain(laughter)!

“What is Kroos going to do after the Eurocup?

-I have several projects. I’m going to open an academy here in Madrid starting in September, with which we will compete with many children. I like these things, I love playing with kids. I’m also going to open a league in Germany.


– Yes, it’s a little like the Royal League here.

-Compete with Pique?

“No, no… Like I said, it’s in Germany!” (Laughter). And I, of course, intend to spend more time at home. I have three children in my family… so I will have work, I won’t be bored.

-Will you continue to live in Madrid?

-Yeah. This is the idea.

Kroos with Germany during a friendly match against France.Boris StrebelGetty Images

“Are you returning to the national team because the Eurocup is taking place in Germany? If it were in another country, would you return too?

“I had a feeling that they needed me, Nagelsmann called me, I watched a few games and saw that they were suffering: away to Qatar in the group stage (Japan and Spain were eliminated) it was difficult. He asked me if I wanted to play in the European Cup and I thought… well, physically I feel good and that’s the most important thing because it’s a tournament after a long season, and a very long one for Real Madrid. , again. I thought about it and agreed. Because I feel good and I believe that more can be done with this team.

“If I had won… Would I have deserved to win the Ballon d’Or?

“In my entire career I have never thought about winning individual titles. Always win trophies with the team, because the rest is a consequence of this.

“But even Ancelotti said why not win…

“Maximum respect for the opinion of my coach…”

“So you’re right…

-Always! (Laughter) Always!

“It was clear that he would not go into exotic football. No? And even more so to Saudi Arabia…

“They love me a little less there…(laughter).

“He will miss the whistle in the upcoming Super Bowl!”

“Yes, I even liked it a little. But, as I said, what I will miss most is football, the game, but I always said that I wanted to finish my career in Madrid and I am very happy that this will happen.

– But wait… Have you ever liked being booed in Arabia?

“It didn’t bother me at all. Everyone can have their own opinion, and mine hasn’t changed. For me, this is a country that I don’t see myself playing in for various reasons, as I already explained.

– And we don’t live either?

-Even less.

“I actually liked the Arab dicks a little; My opinion hasn’t changed.”

Kroos with El Larguero

―Curious: why did he end up in the “Spanish Rondo”?

-Good question! I don’t know, I chose it when I was young, ten years ago, and since then no one has kicked me out. This round had quality…

Is Casemiro-Modrić-Kroos better than Busquets-Xavi-Iniesta?

-I don’t know…

-But as a coach. Would you have chosen it earlier?

“As a coach, always. Even though he was a Real Madrid player, the other midfielder was also a joy to watch. We can all admit that it wasn’t bad either.

“Thank you and good luck in the Champions League final, where you can win your sixth Orejona

-With hope…

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